Android 房间持久库 - 如何插入具有列表对象字段的 class

Android room persistent library - how to insert class that has a List object field

Android room persistent library 中如何将整个模型对象插入到 table 中,它本身有另一个列表。


@Entity(tableName = TABLE_NAME)
public class CountryModel {

    public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Countries";

    private int idCountry;

    private List<CountryLang> countryLang = null;

    public int getIdCountry() {
        return idCountry;

    public void setIdCountry(int idCountry) {
        this.idCountry = idCountry;

    public String getIsoCode() {
        return isoCode;

    public void setIsoCode(String isoCode) {
        this.isoCode = isoCode;

        here i am providing a list of coutry information how to insert 
        this into db along with CountryModel at same time 
    public List<CountryLang> getCountryLang() {
        return countryLang;

    public void setCountryLang(List<CountryLang> countryLang) {
        this.countryLang = countryLang;

我的 DAO 看起来像这样:

public interface CountriesDao{

    @Query("SELECT * FROM " + CountryModel.TABLE_NAME +" WHERE isoCode =:iso_code LIMIT 1")
    LiveData<List<CountryModel>> getCountry(String iso_code);

    @Query("SELECT * FROM " + CountryModel.TABLE_NAME )
    LiveData<List<CountryModel>> getAllCountriesInfo();

    @Insert(onConflict = REPLACE)
    Long[] addCountries(List<CountryModel> countryModel);

    void deleteCountry(CountryModel... countryModel);

    @Update(onConflict = REPLACE)
    void updateEvent(CountryModel... countryModel);

当我调用 database.CountriesDao().addCountries(countryModel); 时,我得到以下房间数据库编译错误: 错误:(58, 31) 错误:无法确定如何将此字段保存到数据库中。可以考虑为其添加类型转换器

应该有另一个 table 叫做 CountryLang 吗?如果是这样,如何告诉房间在插入语句中连接它们?

CountryLang 对象本身如下所示:

public class CountryLang {

    private int idCountry;

    private int idLang;

    private String name;

    public int getIdCountry() {
        return idCountry;

    public void setIdCountry(int idCountry) {
        this.idCountry = idCountry;

    public int getIdLang() {
        return idLang;

    public void setIdLang(int idLang) {
        this.idLang = idLang;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;



"country_lang": [
        "id_country": 2,
        "id_lang": 1,
        "name": "Austria"

对于每个国家/地区,因此这里不会超过一项。我很乐意 table 为 country_lang 列表中的一项设计它。所以我可以为 country_lang 制作一个 table,然后将其 link 制作成 CountryModel。但如何?我可以使用外键吗?我希望我不必使用平面文件。所以你说我必须将它存储为 json ?是否建议不要临时使用房间?用什么代替?


实现此目的的唯一方法是使用 @ForeignKey constraint. If you want to still keep the list of object inside your parent POJO, you have to use @Ignore or provide a @TypeConverter

要了解更多信息,请关注此博客 post:-


正如 Omkar 所说,你不能。在这里,我描述了为什么你应该根据文档始终使用 @Ignore 注释:

您将 table 中的 Country 对象视为仅检索其权限的数据; Languages 对象将转到另一个 table 但您可以保留相同的 Dao:

  • Countries和Languages对象是独立的,只需在Language实体(countryId, languageId)中定义primaryKey多字段即可。当活动线程是 Worker 线程时,您可以将它们串联保存在存储库中 class:两次插入 Dao 的请求。
  • 要加载 Countries 对象,您需要 countryId。
  • 要加载相关的语言对象,您已经拥有国家/地区 ID,但您需要先等待国家/地区加载,然后再加载语言,以便您可以在父对象中设置它们 return 仅限父对象。
  • 加载国家/地区时,您可以在存储库 class 中连续执行此操作,因此您将同步加载国家/地区,然后加载语言,就像在服务器端所做的那样! (没有 ORM 库)。

您可以使用 TypeConverterGSON,

轻松插入带有列表对象字段的 class
public class DataConverter {

    public String fromCountryLangList(List<CountryLang> countryLang) {
        if (countryLang == null) {
            return (null);
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        Type type = new TypeToken<List<CountryLang>>() {}.getType();
        String json = gson.toJson(countryLang, type);
        return json;

    public List<CountryLang> toCountryLangList(String countryLangString) {
        if (countryLangString == null) {
            return (null);
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        Type type = new TypeToken<List<CountryLang>>() {}.getType();
        List<CountryLang> countryLangList = gson.fromJson(countryLangString, type);
        return countryLangList;

接下来,将@TypeConverters 注释添加到 AppDatabase class

    @Database(entities = {CountryModel.class}, version = 1)
    public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase {
      public abstract CountriesDao countriesDao();

有关 Room 中的 TypeConverters 的更多信息,请查看我们的博客 here and the official docs

这是 Aman Gupta 的 Kotlin 转换器,适合喜欢复制粘贴的懒惰 Google 员工:

class DataConverter {

    fun fromCountryLangList(value: List<CountryLang>): String {
        val gson = Gson()
        val type = object : TypeToken<List<CountryLang>>() {}.type
        return gson.toJson(value, type)

    fun toCountryLangList(value: String): List<CountryLang> {
        val gson = Gson()
        val type = object : TypeToken<List<CountryLang>>() {}.type
        return gson.fromJson(value, type)

此外,将 @TypeConverters 注释添加到 AppDatabase class

@Database(entities = arrayOf(CountryModel::class), version = 1)
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase(){
    abstract fun countriesDao(): CountriesDao


//this class refers to pojo which need to be stored
@Entity(tableName = "event_listing")
public class EventListingEntity implements Parcelable {

    @Embedded  // <<<< This is very Important in case of custom obj 
    public ArrayList<MappedItem> mapped;

    //provide getter and setters
    //there should not the duplicate field names

//add converter so that we can store the custom object in ROOM database
public class Converters {
    //room will automatically convert custom obj into string and store in DB
    public static String 
    convertMapArr(ArrayList<EventListingEntity.MappedItem> list) {
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    String json = gson.toJson(list);
    return json;

  //At the time of fetching records room will automatically convert string to 
  // respective obj
  public static ArrayList<EventsListingResponse.MappedItem> 
  toMappedItem(String value) {
    Type listType = new 
     TypeToken<ArrayList<EventsListingResponse.MappedItem>>() {
    return new Gson().fromJson(value, listType);


//Final db class
@Database(entities = {EventsListingResponse.class}, version = 2)
public abstract class AppDatabase extends RoomDatabase {

我也遇到过类似的情况。为了解决这个问题,我使用 TypeConvertsMoshi 将列表解析为字符串。


1 - 创建带有转换器的 class。

class Converters {

    private val moshi = Moshi.Builder().build()
    private val listMyData : ParameterizedType = Types.newParameterizedType(,
    private val jsonAdapter: JsonAdapter<List<MyModel>> = moshi.adapter(listMyData)

    fun listMyModelToJsonStr(listMyModel: List<MyModel>?): String? {
        return jsonAdapter.toJson(listMyModel)

    fun jsonStrToListMyModel(jsonStr: String?): List<MyModel>? {
        return jsonStr?.let { jsonAdapter.fromJson(jsonStr) }

2 - 在您的 RoomDatabase class.

中使用转换器定义 class
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase() {...} add the @TypeConverters annotation to the AppDatabase class so that Room can use the converter that you've defined for each entity and DAO in that AppDatabase...

...sometimes, your app needs to use a custom data type whose value you would like to store in a single database column. To add this kind of support for custom types, you provide a TypeConverter, which converts a custom class to and from a known type that Room can persist.


Moshi Parsing List (Kotlin)

How to parse a list? #78 (answered by Jake Wharton)

Use type converters (official documentation)

Moshi library

我做了类似于@Daniel Wilson 的事情,但是,我使用了 Moshi since it is the suggested library. To learn more about the difference between Moshi and Gson I suggest you watch this video

在我的例子中,我必须在 Room 数据库中存储一个 List<LatLng>。如果您不知道 LatLng 用于处理地理坐标,即纬度和经度。 为此,我使用了以下代码:

class Converters {

    private val adapter by lazy {
        val moshi = Moshi.Builder()
        val listMyData = Types.newParameterizedType(,
        return@lazy moshi.adapter<List<LatLng>>(listMyData)

    fun toJson(coordinates: List<LatLng>) : String {
        val json = adapter.toJson(coordinates)
        return json

    fun formJson(json: String) : List<LatLng>? {
        return adapter.fromJson(json)