如何给 C3 Gauge Chart 添加标题?

How to add a title to C3 Gauge Chart?

我正在使用 RStudio 处理 C3 Gauge Chart。由于我对 javascript 了解不多。我在做一些小事时遇到了麻烦,例如添加标题。


output$gauge1 <- renderC3Gauge({
    PTable <- Projects
    if (input$accountname != "All") {
      Projects <- Projects[Projects$AccountName == input$accountname,]
    if (input$sponsorname != "All") {
      Projects <- Projects[Projects$SponsorName == input$sponsorname,]
    if (input$typename != "All") {
      Projects <- Projects[Projects$TypeName == input$typename,]






  name: 'C3Gauge',

  type: 'output',

  factory: function(el, width, height) {

    // TODO: define shared variables for this instance

    return {

      renderValue: function(x) {

        // create a chart and set options
        // note that via the c3.js API we bind the chart to the element with id equal to chart1
        var chart = c3.generate({
            bindto: el,
            data: {
                json: x,
                type: 'gauge',
            gauge: {
                    //returning here the value and not the ratio
                    format: function(value, ratio){ return value;}
                min: 0,
                max: 100,
                width: 15,
                units: 'value' //this is only the text for the label

      resize: function(width, height) {

        // TODO: code to re-render the widget with a new size


默认情况下 C3.js 无法 将标题添加到仪表图表,但您可以 使用 D3.js 添加标题, C3 的基础。

您必须将 oninit 回调添加到参数 object:

var chart = c3.generate({
    oninit: function()
          .attr("x", "50%" )
          .attr("y", "100%")
          .style("text-anchor", "middle")
          .text("Your chart title goes here");  

gauge chart title example.