在 Matlab 中存储大小为 8 位 (uint8) 的变量值时出错

Error in storing variable values with size 8bits (uint8) in Matlab

我正在 Matlab 中实现一个 128 位 AES 加密算法,我正在基于 C 中的功能代码实现此代码,最大的问题是在 C 代码中所有变量都被定义为 unsigned char它更容易操作,在 MatLab 中我将所有变量声明为 uint8(unsingned integer 8 位),加密的一部分几乎准备就绪,但是我遇到了一个问题,我是 运行 代码并意识到一些值were sent wrong from the vector S-Box, debugging the Codes I found the problem, there is a moment without code that a letter below returns 我的值是255:

 for i = 1 : 16
        stateU(i)= sboxU(bitxor(stateU(i),keyU(i))+1);

这个函数负责通过S-box对应的值来改变裸数据的值,在C中用同样的函数来做这个改变,但是C中的向量从索引0开始转到 255,在 matlab 中,向量从索引 1 开始,一直到 256,这就是问题所在,当我的函数 returns 255 作为索引值时,由于索引值的这种差异,总是添加 +1 relation from C to MatLab, but how all variables are defined With 8-bit size, it is not possible to store the value of 256 in the variable, so the code stores 255, resulting the a wrong value in the variable.[=15 ] =]


State[0] before shift: 207
State[1] before shift: 0
State[2] before shift: 152
State[3] before shift: 115
State[4] before shift: 237
State[5] before shift: 77
State[6] before shift: 148
State[7] before shift: 123
State[8] before shift: 22
State[9] before shift: 182
State[10] before shift: 122
State[11] before shift: 190
State[12] before shift: 130
State[13] before shift: 198
State[14] before shift: 29
State[15] before shift: 155

注意位置[8]是22,这个值是通过状态变量与变量key逐位异或得到的,如本文开头所说post,在C中变量被定义为 unsigned char,因此,值的大小没有问题。在 Matlab 中,我有以下输出:

State[0] before shift: 207
State[1] before shift: 0
State[2] before shift: 152
State[3] before shift: 115
State[4] before shift: 237
State[5] before shift: 77
State[6] before shift: 148
State[7] before shift: 123
State[8] before shift: 187
State[9] before shift: 182
State[10] before shift: 122
State[11] before shift: 190
State[12] before shift: 130
State[13] before shift: 198
State[14] before shift: 29
State[15] before shift: 155

注意向量在MatLab中的位置[8]有不同的值,由于变量的类型在MatLab中被定义为uint8,它最多只能存储255的值,理论上应该取S-box的第256位的值,但由于类型是uint8,所以它至少取一个位置的值(255 - 1111 1111),最多可以存储8位。



function galois_value = galois_mul2( value )
    value = uint8(value);
    temp = typecast(value, 'int8');
    temp = bitshift(temp,-7); 
    hex = int8(hex2dec('1B')); 
    temp = bitand(temp,hex); 
    temp2 = typecast(bitshift(value,1),'int8');
    galois_value =  typecast(bitxor(temp2,temp),'uint8'); 


key = {'00','01','02','03','04','05','06','07','08','09','0a','0b','0c','0d','0e','0f'};
for n = 1 : 16
state = {'00','11','22','33','44','55','66','77','88','99','aa','bb','cc','dd','ee','ff'};
for n = 1 : 16
sbox = {'63','7c','77','7b','f2','6b','6f','c5','30','01','67','2b','fe','d7','ab','76','ca','82','c9','7d','fa','59','47','f0','ad','d4','a2','af','9c','a4','72','c0','b7','fd','93','26','36','3f','f7','cc','34','a5','e5','f1','71','d8','31','15','04','c7','23','c3','18','96','05','9a','07','12','80','e2','eb','27','b2','75','09','83','2c','1a','1b','6e','5a','a0','52','3b','d6','b3','29','e3','2f','84','53','d1','00','ed','20','fc','b1','5b','6a','cb','be','39','4a','4c','58','cf','d0','ef','aa','fb','43','4d','33','85','45','f9','02','7f','50','3c','9f','a8','51','a3','40','8f','92','9d','38','f5','bc','b6','da','21','10','ff','f3','d2','cd','0c','13','ec','5f','97','44','17','c4','a7','7e','3d','64','5d','19','73','60','81','4f','dc','22','2a','90','88','46','ee','b8','14','de','5e','0b','db','e0','32','3a','0a','49','06','24','5c','c2','d3','ac','62','91','95','e4','79','e7','c8','37','6d','8d','d5','4e','a9','6c','56','f4','ea','65','7a','ae','08','ba','78','25','2e','1c','a6','b4','c6','e8','dd','74','1f','4b','bd','8b','8a','70','3e','b5','66','48','03','f6','0e','61','35','57','b9','86','c1','1d','9e','e1','f8','98','11','69','d9','8e','94','9b','1e','87','e9','ce','55','28','df','8c','a1','89','0d','bf','e6','42','68','41','99','2d','0f','b0','54','bb','16'}; 
for n = 1 : 256
rcon = {'01','02','04','08','10','20','40','80','1b','36'};
for n = 1 : 10
%Main AES Data Loop
for round = 1 : 10
%Add key + sbox 
    for i = 1 : 16
        stateU(i)= sboxU(bitxor(stateU(i),keyU(i))+1);
%Shift Rows
    buf1 = stateU(2);
    stateU(2) = stateU(6);
    stateU(6) = stateU(10);
    stateU(10) = stateU(14);
    stateU(14) = buf1;

      buf1 = stateU(3);
      buf2 = stateU(7);
      stateU(3) = stateU(11);
      stateU(7) = stateU(15);
      stateU(11) = buf1;
      stateU(15) = buf2;

      buf1 = stateU(16);
      stateU(16) = stateU(12);
      stateU(12) = stateU(8);
      stateU(8) = stateU(4);
      stateU(4) = buf1;
  %Process mixcolumn for all rounds but the last one
      if round < 10
          for j = 0 : 3
  %Compute the current index
              buf4 = (bitshift(j,2));
              aux1 = bitxor(stateU(buf4+1),stateU(buf4+2));
              aux2 = bitxor(stateU(buf4+3),stateU(buf4+4));
              buf1 = bitxor(aux1,aux2);
              buf2 = stateU(buf4+1);
              buf3 = bitxor(stateU(buf4+1),stateU(buf4+2));
              buf3 = galois_mul2(buf3);
              aux = bitxor(stateU(buf4+1),buf3);
              stateU(buf4+1) = bitxor (aux,buf1); 

值得注意的是,当我发现错误时,我在for循环的第二次迭代中停止了调试,也就是说,显示的正确输出是for循环第二次迭代后的输出从 0-16 也被 posted 在 Top 中。在第一次迭代中,它起作用了,因为逐位 XOR 函数 returns 没有值大于 255 (1111 1111).

我已经尝试将所有变量更改为 uint16 但是代码不起作用,它说类型必须是标量或 2 的倍数。

问题是当您将 1 添加到 uint8 类型的 255 时,会发生溢出。

 for i = 1 : 16
        stateU(i)= sboxU(bitxor(stateU(i),keyU(i))+1);

由于你只是加1生成索引,与你的数据类型无关,你可以先将vector索引转换成更合适的数据类型再加1,这样可以避免溢出,而且你的数据未被触及,仍然是 uint8

 for i = 1 : 16
        stateU(i)= sboxU(double(bitxor(stateU(i),keyU(i)))+1);

关于数据类型的一些注意事项:虽然使用了到 double(或任何可以容纳 256 的类型)的类型转换,但这并不意味着您正在以 [=14= 以外的其他类型存储任何数据].这只是Matlab的索引约定;事实上,在 C 中,你完全可以依赖 uint8,因为 C 中的向量索引从 0 开始,所以最后一个索引将是 255