从 Android 获取交易历史记录 通过 API 支付?

Get the transaction history from Android Pay via API?

我们的应用程序(费用经理)想要从 Android Pay 中提取 交易历史记录 以便用户更容易输入他们的购买历史记录。这是否可能 - 通过 Android 应用程序 在进行购买的同一 phone 上或通过 外部 API ?

我找到了很多关于如何从应用程序中集成 Android 支付 付款的信息,但没有关于如何访问以前的交易的信息。

不幸的是,目前看来这无法通过任何 API 实现。它可能是出于安全目的。


  • 正在打开 Android Pay 应用。
  • 触摸您用于支付的卡。


在欧盟,提供银行数据访问权限的 API 的实施正在进行中,它将涉及所有银行,Android Pay as a service 将必须遵守它。


https://www.scribd.com/doc/298569302/The-Open-Banking-Standard https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/financial-services/our-insights/data-sharing-and-open-banking

The European Union is rapidly advancing legislation that will, upon implementation in the next two years, require UK banks (subject to consent from individuals and businesses) to open access to their customer data and payments capabilities. The UK has diligently fostered a vibrant financial technology environment and stands ready to reap the benefits of that legislation sooner than many other markets. Other markets (in the EU and beyond) have begun to implement aspects of an open banking standard, but none have produced a definitive outline of such a standard, let alone a roadmap for its implementation. There is, therefore, a significant opportunity for the UK economy if we take a lead in this space. This will require that we invest rigorously in development over the next 6-12 months.


Regardless of location, over the next 18 to 24 months banks should capitalize on their incumbent advantages by taking the following actions:

  • Explore data-sharing agreements with fintech and nonfinancial services firms to stay ahead of the curve.

  • Develop a perspective on APIs and their benefit to the bank’s service model, both in leveraging mandated third-party access and potentially extending access beyond statutory requirements.

  • Fully understand both existing data privacy mandates and likely changes, and determine their institution’s appetite for a less conventional approach. And examine how customer messaging would best facilitate any such change.