NOT(!)、AND(&&) 等运算符在 java 中如何工作?

how does Operators such as NOT(!), AND(&&) etc work in java?

请帮助我,我不知道运算符(AND、NOT、XOR ,..ETC)在 java 中是如何工作的。我知道 AND 和 OR 的输出,但我对 NOT 毫无头绪。例如,我不完全理解诸如变量!=整数(i!= 3)之类的语句。我的意思是 NOT 运算符 work.for 示例如何在这里不起作用。

class Demo {

    public static void main(String args[]) throws {
        char ch;

        do {

            System.out.print("Press a key followed by ENTER: ");

            ch = (char); // get a char

        } while (ch != 'q');




char ch = 'l';
System.out.print(2 != 3);
--true, they are not equal
System.out.print('q' != 'q');
-- false, they are equals
System.out.print(ch != 'q');
-- true, they are not equals

这意味着,它们 != 检查它们是否完全相同(注意在这种情况下用于原始类型,例如 int、char、bool 等。此运算符在对象中的工作方式不同,例如字符串)


bool on = true;
System.out.print(!on); //false
System.out.print(on); //true

当在等号旁边使用时,它会检查值是否相等。如果它们不相等,则 returns 为真。否则,它 returns 为假。例如,

int two = 2;
int three = 3;
System.out.print(two != three); 
//returns true, since they are not equal
System.out.print(two == three);
//returns false, since they are not equal
int x = 4;
int y = 5;

!case a 表示不是 case a

x == y 表示 x 和 y 引用内存中的相同位置(要了解其含义,请参阅 this question)。

x != y与上面相反,写成!(x == y)(不是x等于y)是一样的

case a && case b 和运算符 - 案例 a 案例 b 都为真。

case a || case b 或运算符 - 情况 a 情况 b 都为真。


1==1 // true, as 1 is equal to 1
2==1 // false, as 1 is not equal to 2.
!true // false, as not true is false.
1!=1 // false, as 1 is equal to one.
!(1==1) // The same as above - exact same output.
// You need the brackets, because otherwise it will throw an error:
!1==1 // Error - what's '!1'? Java is parsed left-to-right.
true && false // false - as not all cases are true (the second one is false)
true || false // rue - as at least one of the cases are true (the first one)