pyAudioAnalysis Library error: cannot reshape array of size 4400 into shape (220,10)

pyAudioAnalysis Library error: cannot reshape array of size 4400 into shape (220,10)

我正在尝试提取 wav 文件的一些特征,我有这个:

我正在使用 pyAudioAnalysis 库的特征提取工具:

问题是我遇到了 numpy 的 reshape() 函数的错误。我正在遵循如何使用维基中的特征提取器的指南,如下所示:

[Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile('13 Clock in the Morning - Waiters the  Free Music Archive (No Copyright Music).wav')
F = audioFeatureExtraction.stFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, 0.050 * Fs, 0.025 * Fs)


      1 [Fs, x] = audioBasicIO.readAudioFile("song-wavs/"
----> 2 F = audioFeatureExtraction.stFeatureExtraction(x, Fs, 0.050 * Fs, 0.025 * Fs)

pyAudioAnalysis/audioFeatureExtraction.pyc in stFeatureExtraction(signal, Fs, Win, Step)
    575         curFV[0] = stZCR(x)                              # zero crossing rate
    576         curFV[1] = stEnergy(x)                           # short-term energy
--> 577         curFV[2] = stEnergyEntropy(x)                    # short-term entropy of energy
    578         [curFV[3], curFV[4]] = stSpectralCentroidAndSpread(X, Fs)    # spectral centroid and spread
    579         curFV[5] = stSpectralEntropy(X)                  # spectral entropy

pyAudioAnalysis/audioFeatureExtraction.pyc in stEnergyEntropy(frame, numOfShortBlocks)
     49             frame = frame[0:subWinLength * numOfShortBlocks]
     50     # subWindows is of size [numOfShortBlocks x L]
---> 51     subWindows = frame.reshape(subWinLength, numOfShortBlocks, order='F').copy()
     53     # Compute normalized sub-frame energies:

ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 4400 into shape (220,10)

