
Batch Grab Filename and Rename

我有一个文件名如下: Summary_20022015.xlsx


1) 来自:Summary_20022015.xlsx


2) 来自:Summary_25022015.xlsx



我需要的是保留(文件名)并更改为 YYYYMMDD。 只需使用实际文件名重新排列即可。


因为我的文件夹里有多个文件。 全部手动重命名很麻烦

这适用于我的测试文件。在 运行 脚本之前,您需要设置文件所在的位置。此外,在 运行 之前在底部的 ren 语句前面放置一个 echo 可能是个好主意,这样您就可以确保获得所需的输出.

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: While it's a good idea to never have spaces in your paths, sometimes it's unavoidable, so use quotes
:: The quotes being where they are will preserve the spaces without including the quotes in the value
set source_files="C:\path\to\where\the files\are"

:: Go into the %source_files% path, but remember where we were for later
pushd %source_files%

:: The /b option will only process the file names and not the other things that appear with dir output
:: Split each filename on underscores and periods
:: %%A is going to be the word Source and %%C is going to be xlsx
for /F "tokens=1-3 delims=_." %%A in ('dir /b') do (
    set base_date=%%B
    set date_day=!base_date:~0,2!
    set date_mon=!base_date:~2,2!
    set date_year=!base_date:~4,4!

    ren %%A_%%B.%%C %%A_!date_year!!date_mon!!date_day!.%%C

:: Go back to the path we were in before the script ran