
Finish n jobs in d steps by backtracking


每个任务都有一个 ID 和一个成本。任务是原子的,它们只能通过投入与其成本相等的时间单位来立即完成(不可能解决一半的任务)。在每个步骤的开始,有 m 个时间单位可用。

我想检查是否可以在给定的步骤数内完成所有任务 d

这里放几张图说明情况,每个任务都是一个二元组(ID, Cost),链中的任务只能从左到右解决。

这是将 6 个任务分成 3 组的图形示例:

假设 m = 5(每个步骤有 5 个时间单位)和 d = 4(我们想检查是否所有任务都可以在 4 个步骤内完成)。 一个可能的解决方案是:


一个无效的解决方案是(它在 5 个步骤中完成所有任务,我们说限制是 4):



确定是否可以在 d 步内解决所有任务,如果可以,则输出一个可能的序列(任务 ID),在该序列中可以解决任务,从而完成 <= d 步.


我尝试通过回溯找到解决方案。我创建了一个双端队列列表来对组建模,然后我查看集合 A(当前步骤中可以解决的所有任务,每个组的最左边的元素)并找到所有子集 B(A 的子集,其总和为成本是 <= d 并且不能向其添加其他任务以使成本总和保持 <= d)。集合 B 的子集代表我在当前步骤中考虑解决的任务,现在每个子集代表一个选择,我对它们中的每一个进行递归调用(以探索每个选择),我在其中传递没有 B 中元素的双端队列列表(我将它们从双端队列中删除,因为从现在开始我认为它们在递归的这个分支中得到解决)。一旦递归深度为 > d(超过允许的步数)或找到解决方案(双端队列列表为空,所有任务已在 <= d 步内解决),递归调用将停止.


// sequence[1] = j means that task 1 is done at step j
// the param steps is used to track the depth of recursion
findValidSequence (ArrayList<Deque> groups, int[] sequence, int steps) {

    if (steps > d)   // stop this branch since it exceeds the step limit d

    if (groups.isEmpty())  // 0 tasks left, a solution is found, output sequence

    Set A = getAllTasksSolvableDuringCurrentStep();

    Set B = determineAllTheOptionsForTheNextStep(A);

    // make a recursive call for each option to check if any of them leads to a valid sequence
    for (each element in B)  
        findValidSequence(groups.remove(B), sequence.setSolvedTasks(B), steps+1);




这个问题非常普遍,因为很多调度问题(m 机器和 n 优先级受限作业)都可以归结为这样的问题。

这里有一个计算B的建议。这是一个很好的观察结果,它归结为 "Given an array of integers, find all subsets whose sum is <= m and to whom we can't add any other element from the array such that <= m is not violated"。所以我只解决了这个更简单的问题,相信你会根据自己的情况采用解决方案。

正如我在评论中所说,我正在使用递归。每个递归调用都查看 A 中的一个元素,并尝试使用该元素的解决方案和不使用该元素的解决方案。

在递归方法的每次调用中,我传递 Am,它们在每次调用中都是相同的。我通过了一个部分解决方案,告诉当前正在构建的子集中包含哪些先前考虑的元素,以及包含元素的总和只是为了方便。

 * Calculates all subsets of a that have a sum <= capacity
 * and to which one cannot add another element from a without exceeding the capacity.
 * @param a elements to put in sets;
 * even when two elements from a are equal, they are considered distinct
 * @param capacity maximum sum of a returned subset
 * @return collection of subsets of a.
 * Each subset is represented by a boolean array the same length as a
 * where true means that the element in the same index in a is included,
 * false that it is not included.
private static Collection<boolean[]> maximalSubsetsWithinCapacity(int[] a, int capacity) {
    List<boolean[]> b = new ArrayList<>();
    addSubsets(a, capacity, new boolean[0], 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE, b);
    return b;

/** add to b all allowed subsets where the the membership for the first members of a is determined by paritalSubset
 * and where remaining capacity is smaller than smallestMemberLeftOut
private static void addSubsets(int[] a, int capacity, boolean[] partialSubset, int sum,
        int smallestMemberLeftOut, List<boolean[]> b) {
    assert sum == IntStream.range(0, partialSubset.length)
            .filter(ix -> partialSubset[ix])
            .map(ix -> a[ix])
            : Arrays.toString(a) + ' ' + Arrays.toString(partialSubset) + ' ' + sum;
    int remainingCapacity = capacity - sum;
    if (partialSubset.length == a.length) { // done
        // check capacity constraint: if there’s still room for a member of size smallestMemberLeftOut,
        // we have violated the maximality constraint
        if (remainingCapacity < smallestMemberLeftOut) { // OK, no more members could have been added
    } else {
        // try next element from a.
        int nextElement = a[partialSubset.length];
        // i.e., decide whether  should be included.
        // try with and without.

        // is including nextElement a possibility?
        if (nextElement <= remainingCapacity) { // yes
            boolean[] newPartialSubset = Arrays.copyOf(partialSubset, partialSubset.length + 1);
            newPartialSubset[partialSubset.length] = true; // include member
            addSubsets(a, capacity, newPartialSubset, sum + nextElement, smallestMemberLeftOut, b);

        // try leaving nextElement out
        boolean[] newPartialSubset = Arrays.copyOf(partialSubset, partialSubset.length + 1);
        newPartialSubset[partialSubset.length] = false; // exclude member
        int newSmallestMemberLeftOut = smallestMemberLeftOut;
        if (nextElement < smallestMemberLeftOut) {
            newSmallestMemberLeftOut = nextElement;
        addSubsets(a, capacity, newPartialSubset, sum, newSmallestMemberLeftOut, b);



    int[] a = { 5, 1, 2, 6 };
    Collection<boolean[]> b = maximalSubsetsWithinCapacity(a, 8);
    b.forEach(ba -> System.out.println(Arrays.toString(ba)));


[true, true, true, false]
[false, true, false, true]
[false, false, true, true]
  • [true, true, true, false]表示5、1、2的子集,和为8,正好符合8的容量(m)。
  • [false, true, false, true]表示1和6,总和是7,不能加2否则会超出容量
  • 最后 [false, false, true, true] 表示 2 和 6,也正好符合容量 m
