Xamarin.Forms ListView 大小到内容?

Xamarin.Forms ListView size to content?

我有一个相当大的表单(主要适用于平板电脑),它有一个 TabbedPage 嵌套 ScrollView 和一个包含许多控件的垂直 StackPanel

我很少会遇到 ListView 包含一些单行项目的情况,我需要根据内容调整大小。
我想摆脱它的滚动条,但无论如何我不希望它占用比其项目所需的更多 space。
有没有一种方法(即使是一种丑陋的方法)可以实现这一点而不必编写渲染器 x3 平台?


              <!-- many controls-->

渲染时,ListView 之后有一个巨大的间隙。我怎样才能避免这种情况?

我试着摆弄 VerticalOptionsHeightRequest,但没有一个有效。


好的,假设您的 ListView 中填充了 NewsFeed,让我们使用 ObservableCollection 来包含我们的数据来填充 ListView,如下所示:


<ListView x:Name="newslist"/>

C# 代码

ObservableCollection <News> trends = new ObservableCollection<News>();

然后将趋势列表分配给 ListView :

newslist.ItemSource = trends;

然后,我们在 ListView 和数据上做了一些逻辑,让 ListView 包装数据,随着数据的增加,ListView 也增加,反之亦然 :

int i = trends.Count;
int heightRowList = 90;
i = (i * heightRowList);
newslist.HeightRequest = i;


ObservableCollection <News> trends = new ObservableCollection<News>();
newslist.ItemSource = trends;
int i = trends.Count;
int heightRowList = 90;
i = (i * heightRowList);
newslist.HeightRequest = i;


基于 Lutaaya 的 , I made a behavior that automates this, determining and setting the row-height (Gist).


namespace Xamarin.Forms
  using System;
  using System.Linq;
  public class AutoSizeBehavior : Behavior<ListView>
    ListView _ListView;
    ITemplatedItemsView<Cell> Cells => _ListView;

    protected override void OnAttachedTo(ListView bindable)
      bindable.ItemAppearing += AppearanceChanged;
      bindable.ItemDisappearing += AppearanceChanged;
      _ListView = bindable;

    protected override void OnDetachingFrom(ListView bindable)
      bindable.ItemAppearing -= AppearanceChanged;
      bindable.ItemDisappearing -= AppearanceChanged;
      _ListView = null;

    void AppearanceChanged(object sender, ItemVisibilityEventArgs e) =>

    void UpdateHeight(object item)
      if (_ListView.HasUnevenRows)
        double height;
        if ((height = _ListView.HeightRequest) == 
          height = 0;

        height += MeasureRowHeight(item);
      else if (_ListView.RowHeight == (int)ListView.RowHeightProperty.DefaultValue)
        var height = MeasureRowHeight(item);
        _ListView.RowHeight = height;

    int MeasureRowHeight(object item)
      var template = _ListView.ItemTemplate;
      var cell = (Cell)template.CreateContent();
      cell.BindingContext = item;
      var height = cell.RenderHeight;
      var mod = height % 1;
      if (mod > 0)
        height = height - mod + 1;
      return (int)height;

    void SetHeight(double height)
      //TODO if header or footer is string etc.
      if (_ListView.Header is VisualElement header)
        height += header.Height;
      if (_ListView.Footer is VisualElement footer)
        height += footer.Height;
      _ListView.HeightRequest = height;


<ContentPage xmlns:xf="clr-namespace:Xamarin.Forms">
      <xf:AutoSizeBehavior />

我在这里可能过于简单化了,但仅将 HasUnevenRows="True" 添加到 ListView 对我有用。

我可以创建一个事件处理程序来考虑 ListView 单元格大小的变化。在这里:

    <ListView ItemsSource="{Binding Items}"
                        <ViewCell >
                           <Frame Padding="10,0" SizeChanged="VisualElement_OnSizeChanged">

Frame可以通过Grid、StackLayout等来改变。 xaml.cs:

        static readonly Dictionary<ListView, Dictionary<VisualElement, int>> _listViewHeightDictionary = new Dictionary<ListView, Dictionary<VisualElement, int>>();

    private void VisualElement_OnSizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var frame = (VisualElement) sender;
        var listView = (ListView)frame.Parent.Parent;
        var height = (int) frame.Measure(1000, 1000, MeasureFlags.IncludeMargins).Minimum.Height;
        if (!_listViewHeightDictionary.ContainsKey(listView))
            _listViewHeightDictionary[listView] = new Dictionary<VisualElement, int>();
        if (!_listViewHeightDictionary[listView].TryGetValue(frame, out var oldHeight) || oldHeight != height)
            _listViewHeightDictionary[listView][frame] = height;
            var fullHeight = _listViewHeightDictionary[listView].Values.Sum();
            if ((int) listView.HeightRequest != fullHeight 
                && listView.ItemsSource.Cast<object>().Count() == _listViewHeightDictionary[listView].Count
                listView.HeightRequest = fullHeight;
                listView.Layout(new Rectangle(listView.X, listView.Y, listView.Width, fullHeight));

    private void ListView_OnSizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var listView = (ListView)sender;
        if (listView.ItemsSource == null || listView.ItemsSource.Cast<object>().Count() == 0)
            listView.HeightRequest = 0;

Frame 显示时(ListView.ItemTemplate 正在应用),frame 大小改变。 我们通过 Measure() 方法获取它的实际高度并将其放入 Dictionary,Dictionary 知道当前 ListView 并保存 Frame 的高度。当显示最后一帧时,我们将所有高度相加。 如果没有项目,ListView_OnSizeChanged() 将 listView.HeightRequest 设置为 0。

我知道这是一个旧线程,但到目前为止我找不到更好的解决方案 - 两年多后:-(

我正在使用 Xamarin.Forms v5.0.0.2244。 实施并应用了 Shimmy 在上面的“用法:”中建议的行为,但是,AppearanceChanged 是针对每个 listviewitem 执行的,而不是 listview 本身。因此,当在 UpdateHeight 中测量高度时,它测量单个项目的高度,并将列表视图的高度设置为该值——这是不正确的。 该行为似乎是合理的,因为它附加到 ItemAppearing 和 ItemDisappering 事件。

但是,根据 Shimmy 的想法,这里有一个改进的(但远非完美的)实现。这个想法是处理项目外观,测量这些项目并计算它们的总和,同时更新父列表视图高度。

对我来说,初始高度计算不正确,好像有些项目不会出现,因此没有被计算在内。 我希望有人可以改进它,或者指出更好的解决方案:

internal class ListViewAutoShrinkBehavior : Behavior<ListView>
    ListView _listView;
    double _height = 0;

    protected override void OnAttachedTo(ListView listview)
        listview.ItemAppearing += OnItemAppearing;
        listview.ItemDisappearing += OnItemDisappearing;
        _listView = listview;

    protected override void OnDetachingFrom(ListView listview)
        listview.ItemAppearing -= OnItemAppearing;
        listview.ItemDisappearing -= OnItemDisappearing;
        _listView = null;

    void OnItemAppearing(object sender, ItemVisibilityEventArgs e)
        _height += MeasureRowHeight(e.Item);

    void OnItemDisappearing(object sender, ItemVisibilityEventArgs e)
        _height -= MeasureRowHeight(e.Item);

    int MeasureRowHeight(object item)
        var template = _listView.ItemTemplate;
        var cell = (Cell)template.CreateContent();
        cell.BindingContext = item;
        double height = cell.RenderHeight;
        return (int)height;

    void SetHeight(double height)
        //TODO if header or footer is string etc.
        if (_listView.Header is VisualElement header)
            height += header.Height;
        if (_listView.Footer is VisualElement footer)
            height += footer.Height;
        _listView.HeightRequest = height;

特别是当您的项目数量较少并且不需要滚动时,只需使用 bindableLayout。 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/user-interface/layouts/bindable-layouts 这总是使它完全符合尺寸! 如果你有复杂的项目,有互动,那么这些工作非常好。

这里的大多数答案都有正确的想法,但似乎对 ViewCell 元素不太适用。这是我能想到的最有效的解决方案:

public class AutoSizeBehavior : Behavior<ListView>
    ListView _listView;
    VisualElement _parent;

    ITemplatedItemsList<Cell> _itemsList;
    Dictionary<int, double> _cells = new Dictionary<int, double>();
    Dictionary<VisualElement, int> _elMap = new Dictionary<VisualElement, int>();

    double _parentHeight;
    double _contentHeight;

    protected override void OnAttachedTo(ListView bindable)
        bindable.ItemAppearing += HandleItemAppearing;

        _listView = bindable;
        _itemsList = ((ITemplatedItemsView<Cell>)_listView).TemplatedItems;

        if (_listView.Parent is VisualElement parent)
            _listView.PropertyChanged += HandleListViewPropertyChanged;

        for (int i = 0; i < _itemsList.Count; i++)

    protected override void OnDetachingFrom(ListView bindable)
        _listView.ItemAppearing -= HandleItemAppearing;
        _listView.PropertyChanged -= HandleListViewPropertyChanged;

        for (int i = 0; i < _itemsList.Count; i++)
            var cell = _itemsList[i];
            cell.PropertyChanged -= HandleCellPropertyChanged;

        foreach (var pair in _elMap)
            var el = pair.Key;
            el.SizeChanged -= HandleCellSizeChanged;

        if (_parent != null)
            _parent.SizeChanged -= HandleParentSizeChanged;


        _cells = null;
        _itemsList = null;
        _listView = null;
        _parent = null;
        _parentHeight = _contentHeight = -1;

    #region Handlers
    private void HandleItemAppearing(object sender, ItemVisibilityEventArgs e)

    private void HandleListViewPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (e.PropertyName == nameof(ListView.Parent))
            if (_listView.Parent is VisualElement parent)
                _listView.PropertyChanged -= HandleListViewPropertyChanged;

    private void HandleParentSizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (_parent == null) return;

        _parentHeight = _parent.Height;

    private void HandleCellPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
        if (!(sender is Cell cell)) return;

        if (e.PropertyName == nameof(Cell.RenderHeight))
            int index = _itemsList.IndexOf(cell);

            if (index < 0)


    private void HandleCellSizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!(sender is VisualElement el)) return;

        if (_elMap.TryGetValue(el, out int index))

    private void AttachToParent(VisualElement parent)
        _parent = parent;
        _parentHeight = _parent.Height;
        _parent.SizeChanged += HandleParentSizeChanged;

    private void UpdateItemHeight(int index)
        Cell cell = _itemsList[index];
        double newHeight;

        if (!_cells.TryGetValue(index, out double oldHeight))
            oldHeight = 0.0;
            _cells[index] = oldHeight;

            if (cell is ViewCell viewCell)
                _elMap[viewCell.View] = index;
                viewCell.View.SizeChanged += HandleCellSizeChanged;
                cell.PropertyChanged += HandleCellPropertyChanged;

        if (cell is ViewCell vCell)
            newHeight = vCell.View.Height;
            newHeight = cell.RenderHeight;

        if (newHeight >= 0)
            double delta = newHeight - oldHeight;
            if (delta == 0) return;

            _cells[index] = newHeight;

            _contentHeight += delta;

    private void AdjustListHeight()
        if (_contentHeight > 0 && _contentHeight < _parentHeight)
            _listView.HeightRequest = _contentHeight;
        else if (_parentHeight >= 0)
            if (_listView.HeightRequest != _parentHeight)
                _listView.HeightRequest = _parentHeight;

AutoSizeBehavior 的这种实现可以很好地调整大小并自行清理。