映射 属性 作为一个值(不是关联)用于 IUserType 转换

Map property as a value (not association) for using with IUserType conversion


public class XmlSerializedConvention : IPropertyConvention, IPropertyConventionAcceptance
    public void Apply(IPropertyInstance instance)

    public void Accept(IAcceptanceCriteria<IPropertyInspector> criteria)
            x => Attribute.IsDefined(x.Property.MemberInfo, typeof(XmlSerializedDbMappingAttribute)));

public class XmlSerializedType<T> : IUserType
    public bool IsMutable => true;

    public Type ReturnedType => typeof(T);

    public SqlType[] SqlTypes => new[] { NHibernateUtil.String.SqlType };
    // ...

当我指定覆盖 mapping.Map(x=>x.MyProperty) 时效果很好,但没有它我会看到异常 An association from the table X refers to an unmapped class: NotMappedType。我的 属性 被视为关联(因此从未传递给约定)但我希望它被视为正常值 属性.

public NotMappedType MyProperty { get; set; }


我更改了 XmlSerializedConvention 以实现接口 IUserTypeConvention(没有实现更改),现在它运行良好。