Object 识别 vs 检测 vs 分类?有什么不同?

Object recognition vs detection vs classification? What's the difference?

我不知道这是否是正确的 stackexchange 论坛,在哪里可以问这个问题,如果不是这样,请告诉我。


这是什么应用程序?乍一看,我会说 "image classification" 之类的话。我不是计算机视觉方面的专家,但我一直认为 "image classification" 类似于 "given an image, tells me what is contained in this image"。

另一方面,object 检测定义似乎与识别 class(例如建筑物)的 object 而不是 [=28= 的实例更相关]本身(例如长城):

Object detection is a computer technology related to computer vision and image processing that deals with detecting instances of semantic objects of a certain class (such as humans, buildings, or cars) in digital images and videos.


Object recognition is the ability to perceive an object's physical properties (such as shape, colour and texture) and apply semantic attributes to it (such as identifying the object as an apple).


对象检测:- 检测图像中的对象。它不会提供有关对象是什么的信息。换句话说,对象检测的输出是包含对象的边界框的 x、y、宽度、高度。

object classification :- 告诉对象是什么,例如猫、狗车等。换句话说,在 classification 或识别输出中将是 class标签。

I'm developing an application which given an input image containing a painting as input, it is able to tell you the title of the painting. An analogous case is: given an input image containing a building, the returned result is the name of the building.

对于您的问题,更适合的是 'Sketch classification'


1) 出现了与您检测到的 background.So 不同的东西。

2) 现在走近了,你认出了它是一只动物。啊.. 现在你有 classified/Recognised。也可能是人。

3) 现在它越来越近了,现在你看到它是一只鹿。所以,现在你确定了它。

