Python + OpenCV - 读取图像文件名

Python + OpenCV - Reading the image file name


img = cv2.imread('1.jpg')

当我print img时,我得到如下所示的结果。我怎样才能 return 只有 1.jpg 部分?

[[[140 149 139]
  [153 162 152]
  [155 165 153]
  [ 44  20   8]
  [ 46  22  10]
  [ 46  22  10]]

 [[151 160 150]
  [156 165 155]
  [152 162 150]
  [ 47  23  11]
  [ 48  24  12]
  [ 45  21   9]]

 [[155 164 154]
  [152 161 151]
  [146 156 144]
  [ 47  23  11]
  [ 49  25  13]
  [ 49  25  13]]

 [[ 28  16   6]
  [ 33  21  11]
  [ 32  20  10]
  [144 131 105]
  [150 137 111]
  [151 138 112]]

 [[ 33  18   9]
  [ 34  19  10]
  [ 34  20   8]
  [144 135 108]
  [143 134 107]
  [148 139 112]]

 [[ 31  16   7]
  [ 31  16   7]
  [ 35  21   9]
  [145 141 112]
  [137 133 105]
  [143 139 111]]]


我相信 cv2.imread returns 一个 numpy 数组。因此,除非您使用自定义 class.

class MyImage:
    def __init__(self, img_name):
        self.img = cv2.imread(img_name)
        self.__name = img_name

    def __str__(self):
        return self.__name


>>> x = MyImage('1.jpg')
>>> str(x)
>>> x.img # the numpy array