
Why does this function hang the REPL?

Test-Driven Development with Idris 的第 9 章介绍了以下数据类型和 removeElem 函数。

import Data.Vect

data MyElem : a -> Vect k a -> Type where
   MyHere  : MyElem x (x :: xs)
   MyThere : (later : MyElem x xs) -> MyElem x (y :: xs)

-- I slightly modified the definition of this function from the text.
removeElem : (value : a) -> (xs : Vect (S n) a) -> (prf : MyElem value xs) -> Vect n a
removeElem value (value :: ys) MyHere         = ys
removeElem value (y :: ys)    (MyThere later) = removeElem value (y :: ys) (MyThere later)


*lecture> removeElem 1 [1,2,3] MyHere
[2, 3] : Vect 2 Integer


*lecture> removeElem 2 [1,2,3] (MyThere MyHere)


你的 removeElem 的第二个案例是

removeElem value (y :: ys)    (MyThere later) = removeElem value (y :: ys) (MyThere later)


请注意,如果您声明 removeElem 应该是总计,Idris 会发现此错误:

total removeElem : (value : a) -> (xs : Vect (S n) a) -> (prf : MyElem value xs) -> Vect n a
removeElem value (value :: ys) MyHere         = ys
removeElem value (y :: ys)    (MyThere later) = removeElem value (y :: ys) (MyThere later)


RemoveElem.idr line 9 col 0:

Main.removeElem is possibly not total due to recursive path Main.removeElem