使用 Linq 在两个嵌套列表 <T> 中透视数据

Pivot data in two nested List<T> with Linq

我有以下 class 结构:

class Employee()
  public String Name { get; set; }
  public List<WorkDay> WorkDays { get; set; }

class WorkDay()
  public DateTime Date { get; set; }
  public Int Hours { get; set; }

是否可以使用 Linq 旋转 List<Employee>,所以我的 DataGridView 中有这样的结果:

           | Name    | Name    |...| Name      |
Date       | Hours   | Hours   |   | Hours     |
Date       | Hours   | Hours   |   | Hours     |   
Date       | Hours   | Hours   |   | Hours     |
Date       | Hours   | Hours   |   | Hours     |
...        | Hours   | Hours   |   | Hours     |

这很棘手,因为它是两个嵌套列表,而我只找到了非常简单的单个列表示例。 Is it possible to Pivot data using LINQ?


var _result = Employees.SelectMany(x => x.WorkDays)
                       .GroupBy(x => x.Date)
                       .Select(y => new
                                        DATE = y.Key,
                                        NAME = y.Select(z => z.Employee.Name).ToArray()



var result = employees.SelectMany(x => x.WorkDays, (employeeObj, workDays) => 
                                                   new { employeeObj, workDays })
                      .GroupBy(x => x.workDays.Date)
                      .Select(x => new
                                Date = x.Key,
                                NameAndHours = x.Select(z => 
                                    new { 
                                            Name = z.employeeObj.Name, 
                                            Hours = z.workDays.Hours 

这是带有一些示例数据的 Working Fiddle

此示例使用 WPF,但您也可以将方法 "PivotWorkingHours" 用于 Winforms 或 Webforms...



<Window x:Class="WpfApplication5.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <DataGrid Name="pivotTarget" ItemsSource="{Binding}"/>


public partial class MainWindow : Window
    public MainWindow()

        List<Employee> demo = new List<Employee>
                                  new Employee{Name = "Frank", WorkDays = new List<WorkDay>
                                                                            new WorkDay{Date = new DateTime(2001,1,2), Hours = 8},
                                                                            new WorkDay{Date = new DateTime(2001,1,3), Hours = 7},
                                  new Employee{Name = "Herbert", WorkDays = new List<WorkDay>
                                                                            new WorkDay{Date = new DateTime(2001,1,2), Hours = 8},
                                                                            new WorkDay{Date = new DateTime(2001,1,4), Hours = 7},

        pivotTarget.DataContext = PivotWorkingHours(demo);


    private DataTable PivotWorkingHours(IEnumerable<Employee> employees)
        DataTable result = new DataTable();
        result.Columns.Add("Date", typeof(DateTime));
        foreach (string name in employees.Select(x => x.Name).Distinct())
            result.Columns.Add(name, typeof(int));
        foreach (DateTime date in employees.SelectMany(e => e.WorkDays.Select(wd => wd.Date)).Distinct())
            DataRow row = result.NewRow();
            row["Date"] = date;
            foreach (Employee employee in employees)
                row[employee.Name] = employee.WorkDays.Where(wd => wd.Date == date).Sum(wd => wd.Hours);

        return result;

class Employee
    public String Name { get; set; }
    public List<WorkDay> WorkDays { get; set; }

class WorkDay
    public DateTime Date { get; set; }
    public int Hours { get; set; }