由 class 方法参数化的方法 return 类型

Method parametrized by a class' method return type

是否可以获取 return 类型的未初始化案例 class' 方法?我想创建一个像这样工作的包装器:

abstract class Node[L, R]{
    def call(args: L): R
case class Kls(arg1: Int, arg2: Int) {
    def apply() = arg1 + arg2

object Node {
def apply[L <: { def apply(): R }, R](implicit lgen: LabelledGeneric[L]): Node[lgen.Repr, R] = {
  new Node[lgen.Repr, R] {
    def call(args: lgen.Repr): R = {

val n = Node[Kls] // does not compile - missing type param R
n.call(arg1 :: arg2 :: HNil) //should have the right return type

或者,是否有 FnToLabelled产品?我需要什么样的宏符才能创建一个?

也许我误会了,但我认为您根本不需要 L

case class Kls(arg1: Int, arg2: Int) {
  def apply() = arg1 + arg2

abstract class Node[L, R]{
  def call(args: L): R

import shapeless._

object Node {
  def apply[R](implicit gen: LabelledGeneric[R]): Node[gen.Repr, R] =
    new Node[gen.Repr, R] {
      def call(args: gen.Repr): R = gen.from(args)


import shapeless.syntax.singleton._

val n = Node[Kls]

val result = n.call('arg1 ->> 1 :: 'arg2 ->> 2 :: HNil)

其中 result 将被静态键入为 Kls。这是您要找的吗?


trait CallApply[C] {
  type Ret
  def apply(c: C): Ret

object CallApply {
  type Aux[C, R] = CallApply[C] { type Ret = R }

  implicit def materialize[C, R]: Aux[C, R] = macro CallApplyImpl.materialize[C]

object CallApplyImpl {
  import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox

  def materialize[C: c.WeakTypeTag](c: whitebox.Context): c.Tree = {
    import c.universe._

    val C = weakTypeOf[C]
    val assignM = C.decls.collect {
      case sym: MethodSymbol if sym.name == TermName("apply") => sym
    if (assignM.headOption.isEmpty) c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "case class must define an apply() method")

    val R = assignM.head.returnType
    q"""new _root_.fwb.api.CallApply[$C] { type Ret = $R; def apply(c: $C) : $R = c.apply() }"""


  object Node {
    def call[L](implicit lgen: LabelledGeneric[L], ev: CallApply[L]): Node[lgen.Repr, ev.Ret] = {
      new Node[lgen.Repr, ev.Ret] {
        def call(args: lgen.Repr): ev.Ret = {

并且 val n = Node[Kls] 按预期工作。但是,很高兴看到没有元编程的解决方案(如果可能的话)。