Swift iOS - 如何将 UIPopoverBackgroundView Class 中的方法连接到不同 class 中的 PopoverController?

Swift iOS -How to connect method in UIPopoverBackgroundView Class to a PopoverController in a different class?

我正在使用 PopoverController,我想去除背景阴影。 Apple 说要将 UIPopoverBackgroundView 和 return false 子类化为 override class var wantsDefaultContentAppearance: Bool { get }


我将它子类化并将布尔值设置为 false 但阴影仍然显示。如何将此子类连接到我在 LogoutClass 的 Actionsheet 中使用的 PopoverController?

UIPopoverBackgroundView 子类:

class PopoverBackgroundView: UIPopoverBackgroundView {

override class var wantsDefaultContentAppearance: Bool {
        get {
            return false


class LogoutController:UIViewController{

fileprivate func logOff(){

let actionSheet = UIAlertController(title: nil, message: "Logging out?", preferredStyle: .actionSheet)

 let logout = UIAlertAction(title: "Log Out", style: .default){
            (action) in
//bla bla bla


if let popoverController = actionSheet.popoverPresentationController{
            popoverController.sourceView = view
            guard let window = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow else { return }
            window.backgroundColor = .clear
            popoverController.sourceRect = CGRect(x:window.bounds.midX, y:window.bounds.midY, width:0, height:0)
            popoverController.permittedArrowDirections = []

present(actionSheet, animated: true, completion: nil)

您必须像这样设置 UIPopoverPresentationController 实例的 popoverBackgroundViewClass 属性 :

Objective C :

popoverController.popoverBackgroundViewClass = [PopoverBackgroundView class];


popoverController?.popoverBackgroundViewClass = PopoverBackgroundView.self

根据 Apple 文档:

The default value of this property is nil, which causes the presentation controller to use the default popover appearance. Setting this property to a value other than nil causes the presentation controller to use the specified class to draw the popover’s background content. The class you specify must be a subclass of UIPopoverBackgroundView .