Tableau: How can I display the filtered value passed via an Action while drilling down to another dashboard, in the filter field?
我正在使用操作从所有员工的摘要转移到单个员工的详细信息。因此,我的过滤器配置为在单击时将 "Employee Name" 传递到下一个仪表板。因此,我可以单击列表中的一名员工,然后跳转到显示单个员工摘要的仪表板。这一切都很好。
我要解决的问题是,“员工详细信息”仪表板上的员工姓名下拉列表筛选器未根据操作筛选列表的员工进行调整,它仍然显示(全部)。 IE。如果我单击 John Doe 的记录,数据的跳转和筛选工作正常,但实际筛选器选择器仍然显示(全部),而不是 John Doe。
Henry, because you have a filter on your dash, the action adds another filter but the only filter it's updated is the Action filter, in the image you could see the two filters updated only on the action filter... you could do so by using only dashboards filtering each others, because the dashboards always show the data in them, and you could make the action filters each other....
here is the dahsboard from the Regional Example Database of Tableau Desktop.
我正在使用操作从所有员工的摘要转移到单个员工的详细信息。因此,我的过滤器配置为在单击时将 "Employee Name" 传递到下一个仪表板。因此,我可以单击列表中的一名员工,然后跳转到显示单个员工摘要的仪表板。这一切都很好。
我要解决的问题是,“员工详细信息”仪表板上的员工姓名下拉列表筛选器未根据操作筛选列表的员工进行调整,它仍然显示(全部)。 IE。如果我单击 John Doe 的记录,数据的跳转和筛选工作正常,但实际筛选器选择器仍然显示(全部),而不是 John Doe。
Henry, because you have a filter on your dash, the action adds another filter but the only filter it's updated is the Action filter, in the image you could see the two filters updated only on the action filter... you could do so by using only dashboards filtering each others, because the dashboards always show the data in them, and you could make the action filters each other....
here is the dahsboard from the Regional Example Database of Tableau Desktop.