使用递归查询迭代 table

Iterating over the table with recursive query


gp_id | m_ids
1     | {123}
2     | {432,222}
3     | {123,222}

还有一个函数foobar(m_ids integer[])。该函数包含以下cte:

with RECURSIVE foo as (
    select id, p_id, name from bar where id = any(m_ids)
    union all
    select b.id, b.p_id, b.name from bar b join foo f on f.p_id = b.id


select foobar(m_ids) from cte1;

现在,作为提高性能过程的一部分,我被告知要删除该功能。我的计划是在我的 cte 链中使用 cte foo,但我坚持尝试调整 any(m_ids) 的使用。

已编辑: 要清楚,问题是 where id = any(m_ids) 语句中使用的 m_ids 是参数函数,所以我必须转换 cte 以使其在函数之外工作。


with RECURSIVE foo as (
    select (select id, p_id, name from bar where id = any(cte1.m_ids)
    union all
    select b.id, b.p_id, b.name from bar b join foo f on f.p_id = b.id)
    from cte1

1) recursive query "foo" does not have the form non-recursive-term UNION [ALL] recursive-term
2) subquery must return only one column


m_ids    |foobar_result 
{123}    | 125        
{432,222}| 215        


with RECURSIVE foo as (
    select m_ids, id, p_id, name from bar
    JOIN cte1 ON id = ANY(m_ids)
    union all
    select m_ids, b.id, b.p_id, b.name from bar b join foo f on f.p_id = b.id