模型收敛问题:ans.ret[meth, ] <- c(ans$par, ans$value, ans$fevals, ans$gevals,
problems with model convergence: Error in ans.ret[meth, ] <- c(ans$par, ans$value, ans$fevals, ans$gevals,
我正在使用 lme4
构建协作过滤器并 运行 解决收敛问题。尝试通过以下资源解决并出现新错误:
Error in ans.ret[meth, ] <- c(ans$par, ans$value, ans$fevals, ans$gevals, :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
这是在模型 运行 收敛 ~ 48 小时之后。
- https://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/33653_57fc7b8e5d484c909b615d8633c01d51.html
注意:optimx nlmimb 似乎最好,然后是 L-BFGS-B
library(lme4); library(optimx)
# highly imbalanced outcome variable
y <- sample.int(2L, size= 910000, replace=T, prob= c(0.98, 0.02)) - 1L
# product biases
prod <- sample(letters, size= 910000, replace=T)
# user biases
my_grps <- stringi::stri_rand_strings(n= 35000, length= 10)
grps <- rep(my_grps, each= 26)
x1 <- sample.int(2L, size= 910000, replace=T, prob= c(0.9, 0.1)) - 1L
x2 <- sample.int(2L, size= 910000, replace=T, prob= c(0.9, 0.1)) - 1L
x3 <- sample.int(2L, size= 910000, replace=T, prob= c(0.9, 0.1)) - 1L
x4 <- sample(LETTERS[1:5], size= 91000, replace=T)
dt <- data.table(y= y,
prod= prod, grps= grps,
x1= x1, x2= x2, x3= x3, x4= x4)
lmer1 <- glmer(y ~ -1 + prod + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + (1|grps),
data= dt, family= binomial(link= "logit"),
control = glmerControl(optimizer ='optimx', optCtrl=list(method='nlminb')))
注意: 在我的真实用例中,我有接近 1550 万个观察结果和 30-50 个产品,其中每个产品都有不同的平均响应率(y
我还从 kNN 方法(典型的协同过滤器)切换到 HLM,因为 R 在规模上针对 kNN 进行了非常优化——应该使用类似 annoy 的东西,我还没有尝试过。
julia> @time m1 = fit!(glmm(@formula(y ~ 0 + prod + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + (1|grps)), dt, Bernoulli()), fast = true, verbose=true)
f_1: 180528.00386 [1.0]
f_2: 187488.87167 [1.75]
f_3: 177702.14693 [0.25]
f_4: 177671.46777 [0.112452]
f_5: 177676.1792 [0.152245]
f_6: 177667.49847 [0.0374517]
f_7: 177667.32134 [0.0285566]
f_8: 177667.11503 [0.0108968]
f_9: 177667.08367 [0.00339678]
f_10: 177667.08031 [0.000203859]
f_11: 177667.08056 [0.000953859]
f_12: 177667.0803 [1.35223e-7]
f_13: 177667.0803 [7.51352e-5]
f_14: 177667.0803 [7.63522e-6]
f_15: 177667.0803 [8.85223e-7]
f_16: 177667.0803 [0.0]
f_17: 177667.0803 [6.76114e-8]
f_18: 177667.0803 [1.72723e-7]
f_19: 177667.0803 [1.20167e-7]
f_20: 177667.0803 [1.4227e-7]
f_21: 177667.0803 [1.38746e-7]
f_22: 177667.0803 [1.36985e-7]
f_23: 177667.0803 [1.36089e-7]
f_24: 177667.0803 [1.34357e-7]
f_25: 177667.0803 [1.35656e-7]
f_26: 177667.0803 [1.35439e-7]
f_27: 177667.0803 [1.35323e-7]
f_28: 177667.0803 [1.35273e-7]
f_29: 177667.0803 [1.35248e-7]
f_30: 177667.0803 [0.0]
75.913228 seconds (174.16 k allocations: 19.486 GiB, 8.10% gc time)
Generalized Linear Mixed Model fit by minimizing the Laplace approximation to the deviance
Formula: y ~ 0 + prod + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + (1 | grps)
Distribution: Distributions.Bernoulli{Float64}
Link: GLM.LogitLink()
Deviance (Laplace approximation): 177667.0803
Variance components:
Column Variance Std.Dev.
grps (Intercept) 0 0
Number of obs: 910000; levels of grouping factors: 35000
Fixed-effects parameters:
Estimate Std.Error z value P(>|z|)
prod: a -3.82317 0.0402319 -95.0283 <1e-99
prod: b -3.87486 0.0411777 -94.1009 <1e-99
prod: c -3.8979 0.0414131 -94.1226 <1e-99
prod: d -3.90172 0.0416467 -93.6862 <1e-99
prod: e -3.94375 0.0423702 -93.0786 <1e-99
prod: f -3.87321 0.0411412 -94.1443 <1e-99
prod: g -3.84563 0.040832 -94.1818 <1e-99
prod: h -3.85295 0.0407992 -94.4371 <1e-99
prod: i -3.86082 0.0408777 -94.448 <1e-99
prod: j -3.92742 0.0422041 -93.0577 <1e-99
prod: k -3.90827 0.0417974 -93.505 <1e-99
prod: l -3.90168 0.0415682 -93.862 <1e-99
prod: m -3.93383 0.0421348 -93.3629 <1e-99
prod: n -3.82755 0.0403628 -94.8286 <1e-99
prod: o -3.89546 0.0416489 -93.5311 <1e-99
prod: p -3.91643 0.0418437 -93.5966 <1e-99
prod: q -3.88423 0.0414074 -93.8054 <1e-99
prod: r -3.9031 0.0416133 -93.7944 <1e-99
prod: s -3.85363 0.0407327 -94.6079 <1e-99
prod: t -3.92431 0.0419838 -93.472 <1e-99
prod: u -3.91551 0.0417962 -93.681 <1e-99
prod: v -3.92217 0.0417068 -94.0415 <1e-99
prod: w -3.90503 0.041674 -93.7043 <1e-99
prod: x -3.81516 0.0402678 -94.7447 <1e-99
prod: y -3.86918 0.0410894 -94.1648 <1e-99
prod: z -3.83903 0.0404826 -94.8316 <1e-99
x1 0.0302483 0.0247737 1.22098 0.2221
x2 -0.0311121 0.0253477 -1.22741 0.2197
x3 0.0183217 0.0248309 0.737858 0.4606
x4: B 0.0104487 0.0235136 0.444368 0.6568
x4: C -0.0170338 0.0236728 -0.719553 0.4718
x4: D -0.0356445 0.0238845 -1.49237 0.1356
x4: E -0.0303572 0.023757 -1.27782 0.2013
请注意,这只花了一分多钟(在配备 8 GB 内存的 4 核 i5 处理器台式机上)。
如果没有 fast=true
随机效应的估计标准差为 0 不足为奇。它表示与组相关的过度可变性超出了由随机响应的固有可变性引起的可变性。 prod
我正在使用 lme4
构建协作过滤器并 运行 解决收敛问题。尝试通过以下资源解决并出现新错误:
Error in ans.ret[meth, ] <- c(ans$par, ans$value, ans$fevals, ans$gevals, :
number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
这是在模型 运行 收敛 ~ 48 小时之后。
- https://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/33653_57fc7b8e5d484c909b615d8633c01d51.html
注意:optimx nlmimb 似乎最好,然后是 L-BFGS-B
library(lme4); library(optimx)
# highly imbalanced outcome variable
y <- sample.int(2L, size= 910000, replace=T, prob= c(0.98, 0.02)) - 1L
# product biases
prod <- sample(letters, size= 910000, replace=T)
# user biases
my_grps <- stringi::stri_rand_strings(n= 35000, length= 10)
grps <- rep(my_grps, each= 26)
x1 <- sample.int(2L, size= 910000, replace=T, prob= c(0.9, 0.1)) - 1L
x2 <- sample.int(2L, size= 910000, replace=T, prob= c(0.9, 0.1)) - 1L
x3 <- sample.int(2L, size= 910000, replace=T, prob= c(0.9, 0.1)) - 1L
x4 <- sample(LETTERS[1:5], size= 91000, replace=T)
dt <- data.table(y= y,
prod= prod, grps= grps,
x1= x1, x2= x2, x3= x3, x4= x4)
lmer1 <- glmer(y ~ -1 + prod + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + (1|grps),
data= dt, family= binomial(link= "logit"),
control = glmerControl(optimizer ='optimx', optCtrl=list(method='nlminb')))
注意: 在我的真实用例中,我有接近 1550 万个观察结果和 30-50 个产品,其中每个产品都有不同的平均响应率(y
我还从 kNN 方法(典型的协同过滤器)切换到 HLM,因为 R 在规模上针对 kNN 进行了非常优化——应该使用类似 annoy 的东西,我还没有尝试过。
julia> @time m1 = fit!(glmm(@formula(y ~ 0 + prod + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + (1|grps)), dt, Bernoulli()), fast = true, verbose=true)
f_1: 180528.00386 [1.0]
f_2: 187488.87167 [1.75]
f_3: 177702.14693 [0.25]
f_4: 177671.46777 [0.112452]
f_5: 177676.1792 [0.152245]
f_6: 177667.49847 [0.0374517]
f_7: 177667.32134 [0.0285566]
f_8: 177667.11503 [0.0108968]
f_9: 177667.08367 [0.00339678]
f_10: 177667.08031 [0.000203859]
f_11: 177667.08056 [0.000953859]
f_12: 177667.0803 [1.35223e-7]
f_13: 177667.0803 [7.51352e-5]
f_14: 177667.0803 [7.63522e-6]
f_15: 177667.0803 [8.85223e-7]
f_16: 177667.0803 [0.0]
f_17: 177667.0803 [6.76114e-8]
f_18: 177667.0803 [1.72723e-7]
f_19: 177667.0803 [1.20167e-7]
f_20: 177667.0803 [1.4227e-7]
f_21: 177667.0803 [1.38746e-7]
f_22: 177667.0803 [1.36985e-7]
f_23: 177667.0803 [1.36089e-7]
f_24: 177667.0803 [1.34357e-7]
f_25: 177667.0803 [1.35656e-7]
f_26: 177667.0803 [1.35439e-7]
f_27: 177667.0803 [1.35323e-7]
f_28: 177667.0803 [1.35273e-7]
f_29: 177667.0803 [1.35248e-7]
f_30: 177667.0803 [0.0]
75.913228 seconds (174.16 k allocations: 19.486 GiB, 8.10% gc time)
Generalized Linear Mixed Model fit by minimizing the Laplace approximation to the deviance
Formula: y ~ 0 + prod + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 + (1 | grps)
Distribution: Distributions.Bernoulli{Float64}
Link: GLM.LogitLink()
Deviance (Laplace approximation): 177667.0803
Variance components:
Column Variance Std.Dev.
grps (Intercept) 0 0
Number of obs: 910000; levels of grouping factors: 35000
Fixed-effects parameters:
Estimate Std.Error z value P(>|z|)
prod: a -3.82317 0.0402319 -95.0283 <1e-99
prod: b -3.87486 0.0411777 -94.1009 <1e-99
prod: c -3.8979 0.0414131 -94.1226 <1e-99
prod: d -3.90172 0.0416467 -93.6862 <1e-99
prod: e -3.94375 0.0423702 -93.0786 <1e-99
prod: f -3.87321 0.0411412 -94.1443 <1e-99
prod: g -3.84563 0.040832 -94.1818 <1e-99
prod: h -3.85295 0.0407992 -94.4371 <1e-99
prod: i -3.86082 0.0408777 -94.448 <1e-99
prod: j -3.92742 0.0422041 -93.0577 <1e-99
prod: k -3.90827 0.0417974 -93.505 <1e-99
prod: l -3.90168 0.0415682 -93.862 <1e-99
prod: m -3.93383 0.0421348 -93.3629 <1e-99
prod: n -3.82755 0.0403628 -94.8286 <1e-99
prod: o -3.89546 0.0416489 -93.5311 <1e-99
prod: p -3.91643 0.0418437 -93.5966 <1e-99
prod: q -3.88423 0.0414074 -93.8054 <1e-99
prod: r -3.9031 0.0416133 -93.7944 <1e-99
prod: s -3.85363 0.0407327 -94.6079 <1e-99
prod: t -3.92431 0.0419838 -93.472 <1e-99
prod: u -3.91551 0.0417962 -93.681 <1e-99
prod: v -3.92217 0.0417068 -94.0415 <1e-99
prod: w -3.90503 0.041674 -93.7043 <1e-99
prod: x -3.81516 0.0402678 -94.7447 <1e-99
prod: y -3.86918 0.0410894 -94.1648 <1e-99
prod: z -3.83903 0.0404826 -94.8316 <1e-99
x1 0.0302483 0.0247737 1.22098 0.2221
x2 -0.0311121 0.0253477 -1.22741 0.2197
x3 0.0183217 0.0248309 0.737858 0.4606
x4: B 0.0104487 0.0235136 0.444368 0.6568
x4: C -0.0170338 0.0236728 -0.719553 0.4718
x4: D -0.0356445 0.0238845 -1.49237 0.1356
x4: E -0.0303572 0.023757 -1.27782 0.2013
请注意,这只花了一分多钟(在配备 8 GB 内存的 4 核 i5 处理器台式机上)。
如果没有 fast=true
随机效应的估计标准差为 0 不足为奇。它表示与组相关的过度可变性超出了由随机响应的固有可变性引起的可变性。 prod