如何在 Azure 政府中使用认知服务?

How can I use Cognitive Services in Azure Government?

此博客post"Azure brings big data, analytics, and visualization capabilities to U.S. Government"表示:

We are also announcing a preview of Cognitive Services in Azure Government. We have enabled scenarios such as audio and text translation into other languages as well as facial (gender and age) and emotion recognition with Computer Vision and Emotion.

但是,我在 UI 中没有看到它,我错过了什么?我如何在 Azure 政府中使用认知服务。

根据 Products available by region 跟踪器,认知服务目前在美国 Azure 政府的 4 个区域中均不可用

正如在同一博客 post 中提到的,您必须通过指定的电子邮件与他们联系以访问预览版 -

If you’re interested in participating in the Azure Government Cognitive Services preview, please contact azgovfeedback@microsoft.com for more information.

我最终发现了这些其他博客 post:Expanding Cognitive Services Pilot for Azure Government 概述了以下内容:

No Azure Portal UI for Cognitive Services – Management is through the Cognitive Services PowerShell cmdlets

然后,您可以使用 PowerShell 创建并开始使用认知服务,如下所示:

Login-AzureRmAccount -Environment AzureUSGovernment
New-AzureRMResourceGroup -Name {resourcegroup} -Location 'usgovvirginia'
New-AzureRmCognitiveServicesAccount -ResourceGroupName '{resourcegroup}' -name '{name}' -Type {ComputerVision | Emotion | Face | SpeechTranslation | TextTranslation} -SkuName F0 -Location 'usgovvirginia'
$key = New-AzureRmCognitiveServicesAccountKey -ResourceGroupName '{resourcegroup}' -name '{resourcename}' -KeyName {Key1 | Key2}