如何在不重新选择库的情况下从 ngrx 商店获取状态?

How to get the state from the ngrx store without reselect library?

如何在不使用 reselect createSelectorstore.select method in this example 的情况下从 ngrx 存储 获取状态?

export const getBookCollection = createSelector(getBookEntities, getCollectionBookIds, (entities, ids) => { return ids.map(id => entities[id]); });

constructor(store: Store<fromRoot.State>) { this.books$ = store.select(fromRoot.getBookCollection); }

仅使用 store.select 你可以做到:

export const getBooksCollection = (state: State) => {
    const ids = state.collection.ids;
    const entities = state.books.entities;
    return ids.map(id => entities[id]);

constructor(store: Store<fromRoot.State>) {
    this.books$ = store.select(fromRoot.getBookCollection);