SceneManager.LoadScene/LoadSceneAsync 加载空场景 (WebGL) Unity 5.6

SceneManager.LoadScene/LoadSceneAsync loads empty scene (WebGL) Unity 5.6

更新 5.6.1f 后,我的 WebGL 版本无法正确加载场景。 Develop build 和 DebugSumbols 已激活 - 结果相同。没有错误,没有警告。

总是加载空场景,但在 prevois 场景之后有 NotDestroyOnLoad 个对象。


When creating the build for Android we used the option "Split Application Binary" at the Player settings. Of course this setting is stored in the project. It just happens to be the setting that makes scene switching in WebGL impossible! After some hard work in stripping down our project it occurs that this is the only setting that causes the bug. I really don't know why an Android setting ends up having a major impact on a WebGL build. Something Unity should investigate! (using Unity 5.6.1f1)