R - write.csv 固定精度

R - write.csv with fixed precision

是否可以在 write.csv 中修复数字精度,比如 2 位小数?如果是,在这种情况下是否可以在没有 .00 的情况下存储整数? 谢谢!

不在 write.csvwrite.table 本身。来自帮助文档(?write.table):

In almost all cases the conversion of numeric quantities is governed by the option '"scipen"' (see 'options'), but with the internal equivalent of 'digits = 15'. For finer control, use 'format' to make a character matrix/data frame, and call 'write.table' on that.

您最好自己使用 format 格式化列,ala:

df1 <- data.frame(x = runif(10), y = sample(10))
df1$x <- round(df1$x, digits = 2)
write.csv(df1, ...)


为了漂亮地打印到屏幕上,只需使用 options(digits = 2) 并再次转储 data.frame。我猜你想要漂亮地打印到 CSV 中,所以 ...


dfDigits <- function(x, digits = 2) {
    ## x is a data.frame
    for (col in colnames(x)[sapply(x, class) == 'numeric'])
        x[,col] <- round(x[,col], digits = digits)
df1 <- data.frame(x=runif(5),y=sample(5))
##              x y
## 1 0.9148060435 3
## 2 0.9370754133 5
## 3 0.2861395348 1
## 4 0.8304476261 2
## 5 0.6417455189 4
head(dfDigits(df1, 2))
##      x y
## 1 0.91 3
## 2 0.94 5
## 3 0.29 1
## 4 0.83 2
## 5 0.64 4