
Producing a contour plot from binned data


column1 <- as.numeric(c("100.01", "100.015", "100.017", "100.071", "100.099", "100.111", "100.153", "100.167"))
column2 <- as.numeric(c("0.89", "0.64", "-0.14", "-0.79", "1", "0.31", "-0.27", "0.45"))
test <- cbind(column1, column2)
bin1 <- seq(100, 100.2, by = 0.05)
bin2 <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.5)
 res <- data.frame(Map(function(x,y) cut(x, breaks=y),
                    as.data.frame(test), list(bin1, bin2)))

 res1 <- cbind(test, res)
'data.frame':   8 obs. of  4 variables:
 $ column1: num  100 100 100 100 100 ...
 $ column2: num  0.89 0.64 -0.14 -0.79 1 0.31 -0.27 0.45
 $ column1: Factor w/ 4 levels "(100,100.05]",..: 1 1 1 2 2 3 4 4
 $ column2: Factor w/ 4 levels "(-1,-0.5]","(-0.5,0]",..: 4 4 2 1 4 3 2 3

据此,我想生成一个等高线图,其中根据第二列中绘制的值的频率绘制了从第一列分箱的值的频率。但是,它需要通过将第四列的 bins 按第三列分组来完成。所以通过这样做:-

combined <- split(res1[, 4], res1[, 3])
List of 4
 $ (100,100.05]  : Factor w/ 4 levels "(-1,-0.5]","(-0.5,0]",..: 4 4 2
 $ (100.05,100.1]: Factor w/ 4 levels "(-1,-0.5]","(-0.5,0]",..: 1 4
 $ (100.1,100.15]: Factor w/ 4 levels "(-1,-0.5]","(-0.5,0]",..: 3
 $ (100.15,100.2]: Factor w/ 4 levels "(-1,-0.5]","(-0.5,0]",..: 2 3

然后我想生成一个图,其中落入 bin 范围 100、100.05 的值的频率与落入四个单独因子水平的值的频率相对应。因此,如果 20 个值落入 100、100.05 的第一个 bin,我想看看这些值中有多少落入 -1、-0.5、-0.5、0 等的 bin,进而构建 3D 图。有没有办法做到这一点?我知道我能做到:-

cbind(table(res[, 3])




lapply(combined, table)

获取第 4 列中 bin 的频率