
Create Array of data for Collection Type

我正在做一个基于 Symfony 的项目,我正在使用 FosUserBundle。

我在尝试呈现 CollectionType:Class 时遇到问题,好吧,我想让我的用户用我的数据库中还没有的内容填充字段。

根据我在 Symfony 文档中阅读的内容,为了使该类型工作,有必要将一组数据预先设置为条目。

所以我的问题是,"Is there, anyway for me to create an array of data and pass it to my field to make it appear ?"


class WorkshopType extends AbstractType implements ContainerAwareInterface
    use ContainerAwareTrait;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
            ->add( 'title', TextType::class, array('label'=>"Titre"))
            ->add( 'goal', TextareaType::class, array('label'=>"But"))
            ->add( 'theme', TextType::class, array('label'=>"Theme"))
            ->add( 'target', TextType::class, array('label'=>"Cible"))
            ->add( 'summary', TextareaType::class, array('label'=>"Résumé"))
            ->add('maxParticipants', NumberType::class, array('label'=>"Nombre de Participants Maximum", 'data' => 0))
            ->add('moderatorsNumber', NumberType::class, array('label'=>"Nombre de Modérateurs",'data' => 0))
            ->add('materials', CollectionType::class, [
                 //'label' => 'Matériaux',
                 'entry_type' => TextType::class,
                'entry_options'  => array(
                    'attr'      => array('class' => 'material-box')
                'prototype' => true,
                 'allow_add' => true,
                 'allow_delete' => true,
            ->add( 'link', UrlType::class, array('label'=>"Lien"))
            ->add('video', FileType::class, array('label'=>"Ajouter une vidéo", "data_class" => null))
            ->add('image', FileType::class, array('label'=>"Ajouter une image", "data_class" => null))
            ->add('document', FileType::class, array('label'=>"Ajouter un document", "data_class" => null))
            ->add('tags', EntityType::class, [
                'class' => Tag::class,
                'choice_label' => 'name',
                'multiple' => true,
                'expanded' => true,
                'empty_data' => 'Aucun',
                'label' => 'Ajouter des affinités',
            ->add('duration', TimeType::class, array(
                'label' => 'Durée',
                'input'  => 'timestamp',
                'widget' => 'choice',
            ->add('preparationTime', TimeType::class, array(
                'label' => 'Temps de préparation',
                'input'  => 'timestamp',
                'widget' => 'choice',

        // It's here you have to make changes if you want to change the duration render type
            ->get('duration')->addModelTransformer(new SecondDurationDataTransformer());
            ->get('preparationTime')->addModelTransformer(new SecondDurationDataTransformer());
            ->get('document')->addModelTransformer(new MediaTransformer(
            ->get('image')->addModelTransformer(new MediaTransformer(
            ->get('video')->addModelTransformer(new MediaTransformer(

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
            'data_class' => Workshop::class,
            'required' => false,
            "entityId" => null,

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getBlockPrefix()
        return 'apibundle_workshop';




'choices' => $yourArray,