安装 git-自动提交模式

Installing git-auto-commit-mode

我尝试根据 this 手册安装 git-auto-commit-mode





ryuslash/git-auto-commit-mode, you could consider the Directory Variable one 中列出的安装模式之外。

If you put a file with a special name .dir-locals.el in a directory, Emacs will read it when it visits any file in that directory or any of its subdirectories, and apply the settings it specifies to the file’s buffer.

Emacs searches for `.dir-locals.el’ starting in the directory of the visited file, and moving up the directory tree.

因此,在 git 存储库的根目录下添加一个 .dir-locals.el 文件,然后放入其中(如果您使用的是 Emacs 24 或更新版本) :

((nil . ((eval git-auto-commit-mode 1))))