Second Flux 永远不会开始工作

Second Flux does never start to do its work

我想测试 spring 反应堆,为此我实现了一个小例子,这里是相关代码:


public class Application implements CommandLineRunner {
    private ServiceData data;

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

    public void run(String... args) throws Exception {;


public class FluxCreatorFunction<T extends Function<V, E>, V, E> {

    public ConnectableFlux<E> createFlux(T t, V v) {
        return (ConnectableFlux<E>) Flux.<E>create(flux -> {
            while (true) {
                try {
                    Thread.sleep((ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(1, (3 + 1)) * 1000));

                } catch (InterruptedException e) {


public class ServiceData {

    private ConnectableFlux<Todo> fluxInserter;

    private ConnectableFlux<Todo> fluxDeleter;

    private TodoRepository repo;

    public void start() {

    public void startInserter() {
        this.fluxInserter.subscribe(new ConsumerInserter());
        this.fluxInserter.subscribe((todo) -> {


    public void startDeleter() {
        this.fluxDeleter.subscribe(new ConsumerDeleter());
        this.fluxDeleter.subscribe((todo) -> {


    public ConnectableFlux<Todo> createInserter() {
        return new FluxCreatorFunction<FunctionInserter, Void, Todo>().createFlux(new FunctionInserter(), null);

    public ConnectableFlux<Todo> createDeleter() {
        return new FluxCreatorFunction<FunctionDeleter, TodoRepository, Todo>().createFlux(new FunctionDeleter(), this.repo);

class FunctionInserter implements Function<Void, Todo> {

    private RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();

    public Todo apply(Void v) {
        String quote = this.restTemplate.getForObject("", QuoteResource.class).getValue().getQuote();

        return new Todo(quote, false);

class FunctionDeleter implements Function<TodoRepository, Todo> {

    public Todo apply(TodoRepository repo) {
        return repo.findAll().get(0);

class ConsumerInserter implements Consumer<Todo> {

    public void accept(Todo todo) {
        System.out.println("New todo: " + todo.getText());

class ConsumerDeleter implements Consumer<Todo> {

    public void accept(Todo todo) {
        System.out.println("Deleted todo: " + todo.getText());

如您所见,我正在创建两个不同的 Flux 发布者。两者都是作为服务的 @Bean@Autowired 创建的。

问题是:Onlay 第一个 Flux 正在工作。如果我先启动插入器:



New todo: So easy it is to switch container in #springboot.
New todo: Spring has come quite a ways in addressing developer enjoyment and ease of use since the last time I built an application using it.
New todo: Working with Spring Boot is like pair-programming with the Spring developers.
New todo: Spring has come quite a ways in addressing developer enjoyment and ease of use since the last time I built an application using it.
New todo: The real benefit of Boot, however, is that it's just Spring. That means any direction the code takes, regardless of complexity, I know it's a safe bet.
New todo: I have two hours today to build an app from scratch. @springboot to the rescue!
New todo: Really loving Spring Boot, makes stand alone Spring apps easy.
New todo: Really loving Spring Boot, makes stand alone Spring apps easy.




Deleted todo: Spring has come quite a ways in addressing developer enjoyment and ease of use since the last time I built an application using it.
Deleted todo: Spring has come quite a ways in addressing developer enjoyment and ease of use since the last time I built an application using it.
Deleted todo: The real benefit of Boot, however, is that it's just Spring. That means any direction the code takes, regardless of complexity, I know it's a safe bet.
Deleted todo: Spring has come quite a ways in addressing developer enjoyment and ease of use since the last time I built an application using it.
Deleted todo: So easy it is to switch container in #springboot.
Deleted todo: I have two hours today to build an app from scratch. @springboot to the rescue!
Deleted todo: Really loving Spring Boot, makes stand alone Spring apps easy.
Deleted todo: So easy it is to switch container in #springboot.

所以我先开始 Flux 并不重要。第二个 Flux 从来没有完成它的工作,我不知道为什么。 Flux 运行 都在同一个线程上吗?他们需要标识符吗?还有什么问题?

您在 Flux.create 中生成数据的方式必须是异步的。你在这里阻塞,这是不支持的。是的,Flux 最终都在同一个线程上执行,第一个无限循环并阻塞所述线程。

您可以使用 "subscribeOn" 和 Schedulers.parallel()Schedulers.elastic() 等调度程序来推迟单独线程上的工作。

您也可以尝试避免使用 create/generate 并通过使用时间运算符完全不阻塞。最新的 3.1.0.M2 里程碑有 delayUntil, 例如。你也可以使用 Flux.range(1, n).concatMap(index -> Mono.delay(generateRandomDelayValue(index))


public class FluxCreatorFunction<T extends Function<V, E>, V, E> {

  public ConnectableFlux<E> createFlux(T t, V v) {
    //use generate to generate a random value per cycle
    return Flux.generate(sink -> ThreadLocalRandom
                                 .nextInt(1, (3 + 1)))
               //that random value will be used as a delay, so we need to
               //transform each value into a new async sequence, and also
               //ensure that the order is preserved, hence concatMap
               .concatMap(randomDelay ->
                          //we introduce a delay then...
                              //... map to the result of the function
                              .map(ignore -> t.apply(v))