"ct" 和 "lt"(在 POSIXct 和 POSIXlt 中)是什么意思?

What do "ct" and "lt" (in POSIXct and POSIXlt) mean?

我很感兴趣,"ct" 和 "lt"(在 POSIXct 和 POSIXlt 中)是什么意思。它们是某种缩写吗?例如,"ct" 是否表示 "calendar time" 和 "lt" 其他意思?

ct = 连续时间,lt = 列表时间

和提问者一样(我怀疑),我发现理解首字母缩略词有助于我记住 when/how 并使用它们。

我找不到任何权威的 POSIX 参考资料。

发件人:Statistics: An Introduction Using R, page 316




The basic POSIX measure of time, calendar time, is the number of seconds since the beginning of 1970, in the UTC timezone (GMT as described by the French).


The corresponding R class we called POSIXlt (where the ‘lt’ stands for “local time”), which is a list with components as integer vectors, and so can represent a vector of broken-down times. We wanted to keep track of timezones, so where known the timezone is given by an attribute "tzone", the name of the timezone.

来源:R News
