(Unity 5.6) (IBM Watson SDK) 将用户语音解析为文本,然后再解析为语音

(Unity 5.6) (IBM Watson SDK) Parsing user speech into text and then back into speech

我正在尝试使用新的 [IBM Watson SDK for Unity] 获取用户的语音输入,将其解析为文本,然后将该文本传回 watson 的文本转语音,以便它可以重复用户输入的内容说。

我已经使用 SDK 的 Speech To Text widget[takes audio clip from microphone and parses into text], in conjunction with it's Speech display widget [将文本输入从语音转换为文本并将其显示在 canvas 场景中] 在屏幕上显示用户的语音。然后我创建了一个 UI 输入字段,将其与 SpeechDisplaywidget 的文本输出以及 texttoSpeechWidget 的输入相关联 - 然后制作了一个 UI 按钮,单击该按钮时,将文本发送到文本到语音服务。它应该播放关联的文本到语音文件,但是当我单击该按钮时,没有任何反应。 'status' 显示只是读取 "ready" 并且从不改变,整个事情没有抛出任何错误。我会粘贴代码,但我还没有编写任何代码,只是连接了所有必要的序列化字段并点击开始。我该怎么办?

抱歉含糊不清,但由于这是我的第一个问题,我无法 post 更多图片或链接。 :/

这是我尝试使用的 "texttoSpeechWidget" 的代码。

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Services.TextToSpeech.v1;
using IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Logging;
using IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.DataTypes;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Utilities;

#pragma warning disable 414

namespace IBM.Watson.DeveloperCloud.Widgets
  /// <summary>
  /// TextToSpeech widget class wraps the TextToSpeech serivce.
  /// </summary>
  public class TextToSpeechWidget : Widget
 #region Inputs
private Input m_TextInput = new Input("Text", typeof(TextToSpeechData), 
private Input m_VoiceInput = new Input("Voice", typeof(VoiceData), 

#region Outputs
private Output m_Speaking = new Output(typeof(SpeakingStateData), true);
private Output m_DisableMic = new Output(typeof(DisableMicData));
private Output m_LevelOut = new Output(typeof(LevelData));

#region Private Data
TextToSpeech m_TextToSpeech = new TextToSpeech();

[SerializeField, Tooltip("How often to send level out data in seconds.")]
private float m_LevelOutInterval = 0.05f;
private float m_LevelOutputModifier = 1.0f;
private Button m_TextToSpeechButton = null;
private InputField m_Input = null;
private Text m_StatusText = null;
private VoiceType m_Voice = VoiceType.en_US_Michael;
private bool m_UsePost = false;

private AudioSource m_Source = null;
private int m_LastPlayPos = 0;

private class Speech
    if (Clip != null)

  public bool Ready { get; set; }
  public AudioClip Clip { get; set; }

  public Speech(TextToSpeech textToSpeech, string text, bool usePost)
    textToSpeech.ToSpeech(text, OnAudioClip, usePost);

  private void OnAudioClip(AudioClip clip)
    Clip = clip;
    Ready = true;


private Queue<Speech> m_SpeechQueue = new Queue<Speech>();
private Speech m_ActiveSpeech = null;

#region Public Memebers

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the voice. Default voice is English, US - Michael
/// </summary>
/// <value>The voice.</value>
public VoiceType Voice
    return m_Voice;
    m_Voice = value;


#region Event Handlers
/// <summary>
/// Button event handler.
/// </summary>
public void OnTextToSpeech()
  if (m_TextToSpeech.Voice != m_Voice)
    m_TextToSpeech.Voice = m_Voice;
  if (m_Input != null)
    m_SpeechQueue.Enqueue(new Speech(m_TextToSpeech, m_Input.text, m_UsePost));
  if (m_StatusText != null)
    m_StatusText.text = "THINKING";
  if (m_TextToSpeechButton != null)
    m_TextToSpeechButton.interactable = false;

#region Private Functions
private void OnTextInput(Data data)
  TextToSpeechData text = data as TextToSpeechData;
  if (text == null)
    throw new WatsonException("Wrong data type received.");

  if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text.Text))
    if (m_TextToSpeech.Voice != m_Voice)
      m_TextToSpeech.Voice = m_Voice;

    m_SpeechQueue.Enqueue(new Speech(m_TextToSpeech, text.Text, m_UsePost));

private void OnVoiceSelect(Data data)
  VoiceData voice = data as VoiceData;
  if (voice == null)
    throw new WatsonException("Unexpected data type");

  m_Voice = voice.Voice;

private void OnEnable()

  if (m_StatusText != null)
    m_StatusText.text = "READY";

/// <exclude />
protected override void Start()
  m_Source = GetComponent<AudioSource>();

private void Update()
  if (m_Source != null && !m_Source.isPlaying
      && m_SpeechQueue.Count > 0
      && m_SpeechQueue.Peek().Ready)

    m_ActiveSpeech = m_SpeechQueue.Dequeue();
    if (m_ActiveSpeech.Clip != null)
      if (m_Speaking.IsConnected)
        m_Speaking.SendData(new SpeakingStateData(true));
      if (m_DisableMic.IsConnected)
        m_DisableMic.SendData(new DisableMicData(true));

      m_Source.spatialBlend = 0.0f;     // 2D sound
      m_Source.loop = false;            // do not loop
      m_Source.clip = m_ActiveSpeech.Clip;             // clip

      Invoke("OnEndSpeech", ((float)m_ActiveSpeech.Clip.samples / (float)m_ActiveSpeech.Clip.frequency) + 0.1f);
      if (m_LevelOut.IsConnected)
        m_LastPlayPos = 0;
        InvokeRepeating("OnLevelOut", m_LevelOutInterval, m_LevelOutInterval);
      Log.Warning("TextToSpeechWidget", "Skipping null AudioClip");

  if (m_TextToSpeechButton != null)
    m_TextToSpeechButton.interactable = true;
  if (m_StatusText != null)
    m_StatusText.text = "READY";

private void OnLevelOut()
  if (m_Source != null && m_Source.isPlaying)
    int currentPos = m_Source.timeSamples;
    if (currentPos > m_LastPlayPos)
      float[] samples = new float[currentPos - m_LastPlayPos];
      m_Source.clip.GetData(samples, m_LastPlayPos);
      m_LevelOut.SendData(new LevelData(Mathf.Max(samples) * m_LevelOutputModifier, m_LevelOutputModifier));
      m_LastPlayPos = currentPos;
private void OnEndSpeech()
  if (m_Speaking.IsConnected)
    m_Speaking.SendData(new SpeakingStateData(false));
  if (m_DisableMic.IsConnected)
    m_DisableMic.SendData(new DisableMicData(false));
  if (m_Source.isPlaying)

  m_ActiveSpeech = null;

/// <exclude />
protected override string GetName()
  return "TextToSpeech";




  1. 使用 Widget class 作为基础创建一个新的 widget。
  2. 将您的输入作为 SpeechToText 并将输出作为 TextToSpeech

    private Input m_SpeechInput = new Input("Text", typeof(SpeechToTextData), "OnSpeech");
    private Output m_SpeechOutput = new Output(typeof(TextToSpeechData), true);

  3. 然后您应该将 OnSpeech 函数添加到您的小部件中,以通过创建新的 TextToSpeechData 对象类型并使用输入 SpeechToTextData 的文本(如果它是最终的)来处理从 SpeechToTextData 到 TextToSpeechData 的对话。

  4. 像这样在 OnSpeech 中使用您的输出;

    if (m_SpeechOutput.IsConnected)
        m_SpeechOutput.SendData( /* object of type  SpeechToTextData*/ );

确保场景中存在 SpeechToTextWidget 和 TextToSpeechWidget,并且它们都连接到这个新的小部件。