Vagrant Box 中的 ArangoDB 无人值守安装

ArangoDB Unattended Install in Vagrant Box

尝试在 Vangrant Ubuntu 框中设置 ArangoDB 的无人值守安装。我已按照此处的无人值守安装说明进行操作:



sudo debconf-get-selections | grep arangodb3

If you get a "debconf-get-selections command not found error" then you need to install the debconf-utils package like so:

sudo apt-get install -y debconf-utils


arangodb3       arangodb3/password      password
arangodb3       arangodb3/password_again        password
arangodb3       arangodb3/backup        boolean false
arangodb3       arangodb3/password_mismatch     error
arangodb3       arangodb3/upgrade       boolean true


  package/key      type
arangodb3/backup   boolean


echo arangodb3 arangodb3/backup boolean false | debconf-set-selections
echo arangodb3 arangodb3/upgrade boolean true | debconf-set-selections

添加到 skinneejoe 的回答中,我必须设置以下所有选项以使版本 3.3.19 运行 的安装无人值守:

RUN echo arangodb3 arangodb3/password string somepassword | debconf-set-selections
RUN echo arangodb3 arangodb3/password_again string somepassword | debconf-set-selections
RUN echo arangodb3 arangodb3/upgrade boolean true | debconf-set-selections
RUN echo arangodb3 arangodb3/storage_engine string 1 | debconf-set-selections
RUN echo arangodb3 arangodb3/backup boolean false | debconf-set-selections
