
Coq best practice: mutual recursion, only one function is structurally decreasing

考虑以下用于无类型 lambda 演算的玩具表示:

Require Import String.
Open Scope string_scope.

Inductive term : Set :=
| Var : string -> term
| Abs : string -> term -> term
| App : term -> term -> term.

Fixpoint print (term : term) :=
  match term return string with
  | Var id => id
  | Abs id term => "\" ++ id ++ " " ++ print term
  | App term1 term2 => print_inner term1 ++ " " ++ print_inner term2
with print_inner (term : term) :=
  match term return string with
  | Var id => id
  | term => "(" ++ print term ++ ")"

类型检查 print 失败并出现以下错误:

Recursive definition of print_inner is ill-formed.
Recursive call to print has principal argument equal to "term" instead of "t".

最 readable/ergonomic/efficient 的实施方式是什么?


Fixpoint print (tm : term) : string :=
  match tm return string with
  | Var id => id
  | Abs id body => "\" ++ id ++ ". " ++ print body
  | App tm1 tm2 =>
     let fix print_inner (tm : term) : string :=
         match tm return string with
         | Var id => id
         | _ => "(" ++ print tm ++ ")"
     print_inner tm1 ++ " " ++ print_inner tm2

这种方法可以扩展到处理漂亮的打印——通常的约定是不在表达式中打印括号,如 x y z(应用程序关联到左边)或打印 \x. \y. x y\xy. x y:

Definition in_parens (stm : string) : string := "(" ++ stm ++ ")".

Fixpoint pprint (tm : term) : string :=
  match tm with
  | Var id => id
  | Abs id tm1 =>
    let fix pprint_nested_abs (tm : term) : string :=
        match tm with
        | Abs id tm1 => id ++ pprint_nested_abs tm1
        | _ => ". " ++ pprint tm
    "\" ++ id ++ pprint_nested_abs tm1

  (* e.g. (\x. x x) (\x. x x) *)
  | App ((Abs _ _) as tm1) ((Abs _ _) as tm2) =>     
      in_parens (pprint tm1) ++ " " ++ in_parens (pprint tm2)

  (* variable scopes *)
  | App ((Abs _ _) as tm1) tm2 => in_parens (pprint tm1) ++ " " ++ pprint tm2

  (* `x \x. x` looks ugly, `x (\x. x)` is better; also handle `x (y z)` *) 
  | App tm1 ((Abs _ _) as tm2) | App tm1 (App _ _ as tm2) =>
      pprint tm1 ++ " " ++ in_parens (pprint tm2)

  | App tm1 tm2 => pprint tm1 ++ " " ++ pprint tm2

顺便说一句,CPDT 在相互递归与嵌套递归方面有 some material,但设置不同。

您还可以将递归调用的想法与 print_inner 执行的案例分析分离,如下所示:

Definition print_inner (term : term) (sterm : string) : string :=
 match term with
 | Var id => id
 | _      => "(" ++ sterm ++ ")"

Fixpoint print (term : term) :=
  match term return string with
  | Var id => id
  | Abs id term => "\" ++ id ++ " " ++ print term
  | App term1 term2 => print_inner term1 (print term1)
                    ++ " " ++ print_inner term2 (print term2)
