StatusBarNotification 如何获取数据或重新发送意图?

StatusBarNotification how to get data or resend intent?

我的应用程序通过 Firebase 接收推送通知。现在,通知到达时可能会发生 3 种不同的情况:

  1. 应用在前台
  2. 应用程序在后台运行
  3. 该应用程序不是 运行

情况1没问题。通知在应用程序中收到 ok。 只要您点击抽屉中的通知,情况 2 和 3 就可以正常工作。 在情况 2 和 3 中,当点击应用程序图标而不是抽屉图标时,应用程序根本不会收到任何通知。我已尝试从 StatusBar 获取活动通知并且有效,但我无法从 Extras 检索数据或将通知重新发送到等待的推送通知服务。这是获取通知的实验代码。

        NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService);

        var notifications = notificationManager.GetActiveNotifications()
            .Where(notif => notif.PackageName == Application.Context.PackageName);

        foreach (var notification in notifications)
            Log.Info(TAG, "OnActivityResumed: Notification in active in Status Bar: {0}", notification.Notification.ToString());

            var data = notification.Notification.Extras.GetString("data");

            Log.Debug("Notifier", "Data received: {0}", data);

            //if (data != null)
            //    Settings.Notification = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LoginNotificationParameter>(data);

        // Canceling all notifications


  1. 抽屉中有通知时,应用程序未收到任何 Intent 的行为是否正确?
  2. 如果是,当用户点击应用程序图标而不是抽屉通知时,我如何处理情况 2 和 3?

我在打印所有 Extras 键值时在 het Notification 中看到此数据:

06-28 16:34:13.174 20792 20792 I Notifier: OnActivityResumed: Notification is active in Status Bar: Notification(pri=0 contentView=null vibrate=null sound=content://settings/system/notification_sound defaults=0x0 flags=0x10 color=0x00000000 vis=PRIVATE semFlags=0x0 semPriority=0)
06-28 16:34:13.191 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.title Data: Login
06-28 16:34:13.191 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.subText Data:
06-28 16:34:13.191 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.template Data:$BigTextStyle
06-28 16:34:13.192 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.showChronometer Data: false
06-28 16:34:13.192 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.text Data: Er is een inlogverzoek voor u ontvangen.
06-28 16:34:13.194 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.progress Data: 0
06-28 16:34:13.194 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.progressMax Data: 0
06-28 16:34:13.195 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.appInfo Data: ApplicationInfo{a27f281 nl.natuurnetwerk.notifier}
06-28 16:34:13.195 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.showWhen Data: true
06-28 16:34:13.195 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.largeIcon Data:
06-28 16:34:13.195 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.bigText Data: Er is een inlogverzoek voor u ontvangen.
06-28 16:34:13.195 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.infoText Data:
06-28 16:34:13.195 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.originatingUserId Data: 0
06-28 16:34:13.196 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.progressIndeterminate Data: false
06-28 16:34:13.196 20792 20792 I Notifier: KeyIn: Extras Key: android.remoteInputHistory Data:


    private void HandlePendingNotifications()
        NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager)Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.NotificationService);

        var notifications = notificationManager.GetActiveNotifications()
            .OrderByDescending(notif => notif.PostTime)
            .Where(notif => notif.PackageName == Application.Context.PackageName);

        var notification = notifications.FirstOrDefault();

        if (notification != null)
            Log.Debug(TAG, "OnActivityResumed: Notification is active in Status Bar: {0}", notification.Notification.ToString());

            NotificationManagerCompat nm = NotificationManagerCompat.From(this);

            notification.Notification.Sound = null;
            notification.Notification.Vibrate = null;

            // nm.Cancel(notification.Id);
            nm.Notify(0, notification.Notification);

        //Timer timer = new Timer((state) =>
        //    // Canceling all notifications
        //    notificationManager.CancelAll();
        //    timer = null;
        //}, null, 2000, 2000);



using Android.App;
using Android.Content;
using Android.OS;
using MvvmCross.Droid.Platform;
using MvvmCross.Droid.Support.V4;

namespace Notifier.Android.Classes.Services
    /// <summary>
    /// This class receives all Firebase intents.
    /// </summary>
    [BroadcastReceiver(Enabled = true, Permission = "")]
    [IntentFilter(new[] { "" }, Categories = new string[] { "com.yourdomain.yourapp" })]
    public class FirebaseBroadcastReceiver : MvxWakefulBroadcastReceiver
        public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
            var setup = MvxAndroidSetupSingleton.EnsureSingletonAvailable(context);

            var service = new Intent(context, typeof(FirebaseBroadcastReceiver));

            PowerManager.WakeLock sWakeLock;
            var pm = PowerManager.FromContext(context);
            sWakeLock = pm.NewWakeLock(WakeLockFlags.Full, "FirebaseBroadcastReceiver");

            if (intent.Extras != null)
                // Your code to handle the intent


            StartWakefulService(context, service);

扩展 FirebaseMessagingService 并覆盖 onMessageReceivedonDeletedMessages 回调。要在收到通知时自动打开应用程序/activity,您需要在有效负载中使用 data(类似于 {"data" : { "some_key" : "some_value"}})属性,以保证始终调用 FirebaseMessagingService.onMessageReceived() 方法。

请注意,在没有用户交互的情况下根据通知打开 activity/应用程序非常糟糕,应该避免。