Captured DevTest Labs is not working
我在开发测试实验室中按下了 VM 上的捕获按钮。现在看起来我有一个通用的虚拟机,对我来说看起来毫无用处。例如,我无法再启动 VM。它只显示以下错误消息。
无法启动虚拟机'vmname'。错误:VM 'vmname' 上不允许操作 'start',因为 VM 已通用化。
我需要访问此 VM,我该怎么做?
** 在我点击捕获之前我应该有 运行 sysprep 吗???
As I can not start another VM it give this error. Provisioning failed.
OS Provisioning for VM 'IntegrationTest' did not finish in the
allotted time. However, the VM guest agent was detected running. This
suggests the guest OS has not been properly prepared to be used as a
VM image (with CreateOption=FromImage). To resolve this issue, either
use the VHD as is with CreateOption=Attach or prepare it properly for
use as an image: * Instructions for Windows:
Don't use this button without SYSPREP.
恕我直言,捕获过程并不像 AWS EC2 那样简单...这个错误*让我们很痛苦。
我在开发测试实验室中按下了 VM 上的捕获按钮。现在看起来我有一个通用的虚拟机,对我来说看起来毫无用处。例如,我无法再启动 VM。它只显示以下错误消息。
无法启动虚拟机'vmname'。错误:VM 'vmname' 上不允许操作 'start',因为 VM 已通用化。
我需要访问此 VM,我该怎么做?
** 在我点击捕获之前我应该有 运行 sysprep 吗???
As I can not start another VM it give this error. Provisioning failed. OS Provisioning for VM 'IntegrationTest' did not finish in the allotted time. However, the VM guest agent was detected running. This suggests the guest OS has not been properly prepared to be used as a VM image (with CreateOption=FromImage). To resolve this issue, either use the VHD as is with CreateOption=Attach or prepare it properly for use as an image: * Instructions for Windows:
Don't use this button without SYSPREP.
恕我直言,捕获过程并不像 AWS EC2 那样简单...这个错误*让我们很痛苦。