写入所选文件时出现 UnicodeEncodeError

UnicodeEncodeError when writing the selected file

我对其他已经回答过的问题做了几次尝试加上我的代码总是returns错误。 此代码的唯一目的是将标签放入文档的句子中,并将包含超过 N 次出现的特定 POS 的句子转储到文件中:

import os
import nlpnet
import codecs

TAGGER = nlpnet.POSTagger('pos-pt', language='pt')

# You could have a function that tagged and verified if a
# sentence meets the criteria for storage.

def is_worth_saving(text, pos, pos_count):
   # tagged sentences are lists of tagged words, which in
   # nlpnet are (word, pos) tuples. Tagged texts may contain
   # several sentences.
   pos_words = [word for sentence in TAGGER.tag(text)
             for word in sentence
             if word[1] == pos]
   return len(pos_words) >= pos_count

with codecs.open('dataset.txt', encoding='utf8') as original_file:
with codecs.open('dataset_new.txt', 'w') as output_file:
    for text in original_file:
        # For example, only save sentences with more than 5 verbs in it
        if is_worth_saving(text, 'V', 5):
            output_file.write(text + os.linesep)


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "D:/Word Sorter/Classifier.py", line 31, in <module>
     output_file.write(text + os.linesep)
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 161-162: ordinal not in range(128)


UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa0' in position 20: ordinal not in range(128) and Again: UnicodeEncodeError: ascii codec can't encode

和你的错误一模一样。所以我的猜测是您需要使用 text.encode('utf8').

text 进行编码



output_file.write(text.encode('utf8') + os.linesep)