
How to find the request for a particular response while using tornado library?

这是 code.I 的简化版本,使用 http_client.fetch 发出了 100 多个请求,我收到的响应顺序是随机的,知道哪个响应是针对我应该 made.What 更改哪个请求以实现此目的?

from tornado import ioloop, httpclient
def handle_request(response):
    jsonobject_ticker = json.loads( response.body, object_hook= JSONObject)
    print "{0:.9f}".format(currency_price)
    global i
    i -= 1
    if i == 0:

def check_for_pump():
    for index in range (len(shortlisted)):      
        print market

        http_client = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
        global i
        i += 1
        http_client.fetch(get_ticker_url(shortlisted[index]), handle_request, method='GET')

HTTPResponse 对象 has a "request" property,因此您只需在回调中访问 response.request

但是,更一般地说,如果您想将特定数据传递给回调,您可以使用 "partial":

from functools import partial

def handle_request(data, response):

data = "foo"
callback = partial(data, handle_request)
http_client.fetch(url, callback)

在这种情况下您不需要这种技术,但了解如何将数据传递给 Tornado 中的回调是很好的。