如何根据 SQL 中另一列的值更新一列?

How can update a column based on the value of another column in SQL?

基本上我有这样的产品 table:

date       price
---------  -----
02-SEP-14     50  
03-SEP-14     60  
04-SEP-14     60  
05-SEP-14     60  
07-SEP-14     71  
08-SEP-14     45  
09-SEP-14     45  
10-SEP-14     24  
11-SEP-14     60

我需要更新此表单中的 table

date       price   id
---------  -----   --
02-SEP-14     50    1
03-SEP-14     60    2
04-SEP-14     60    2
05-SEP-14     60    2
07-SEP-14     71    3
08-SEP-14     45    4
09-SEP-14     45    4
10-SEP-14     24    5
11-SEP-14     60    6


  CACHE 20;

  ADD (ID number);

UPDATE Product SET ID = user_id_seq.nextval;

这是按常规方式更新 ID,例如 1,2,3,4,5..

我不知道如何使用基本的 SQL 命令来完成。请建议我该怎么做。提前谢谢你。

注意:这回答了最初提出的问题。 OP 更改了数据。


update product p
    set id = (select count(distinct p2.price)
              from product p2
              where p2.date <= p.date


这是您尝试做的最佳方式。 没有其他简单的方法可以使用简单的语句来做到这一点

WITH cts AS  
SELECT row_number() over (partition by price order by price ) as id
FROM Product 
set p.id = cts.id 
from product p join cts on cts.id = p.id

这是一种从基础数据创建视图的方法。我假设您有不止一种产品(由产品 ID 标识),并且价格日期不一定是连续的。每个产品 ID 的序列是分开的。 (此外,product 应该是另一个 table 的名称 - 其中产品 ID 是主键,并且您还有其他信息,例如产品名称、类别等。table 在您的 post 更恰当地称为 price_history。)

alter session set nls_date_format='dd-MON-rr';

create table product ( prod_id number, dt date, price number );

insert into product ( prod_id, dt, price )
  select 101, '02-SEP-14', 50 from dual union all 
  select 101, '03-SEP-14', 60 from dual union all  
  select 101, '04-SEP-14', 60 from dual union all 
  select 101, '05-SEP-14', 60 from dual union all 
  select 101, '07-SEP-14', 71 from dual union all  
  select 101, '08-SEP-14', 45 from dual union all 
  select 101, '09-SEP-14', 45 from dual union all 
  select 101, '10-SEP-14', 24 from dual union all 
  select 101, '11-SEP-14', 60 from dual union all
  select 102, '02-SEP-14', 45 from dual union all
  select 102, '04-SEP-14', 45 from dual union all
  select 102, '05-SEP-14', 60 from dual union all
  select 102, '06-SEP-14', 50 from dual union all
  select 102, '09-SEP-14', 60 from dual


create view product_vw ( prod_id, dt, price, seq ) as
  select prod_id, dt, price, 
         count(flag) over (partition by prod_id order by dt)
  from   ( select prod_id, dt, price,
                  case when price = lag(price) over (partition by prod_id order by dt)
                       then null else 1 end as flag
           from   product


select * from product_vw;

PROD_ID DT                       PRICE        SEQ
------- ------------------- ---------- ----------
    101 02/09/0014 00:00:00         50          1
    101 03/09/0014 00:00:00         60          2
    101 04/09/0014 00:00:00         60          2
    101 05/09/0014 00:00:00         60          2
    101 07/09/0014 00:00:00         71          3
    101 08/09/0014 00:00:00         45          4
    101 09/09/0014 00:00:00         45          4
    101 10/09/0014 00:00:00         24          5
    101 11/09/0014 00:00:00         60          6
    102 02/09/0014 00:00:00         45          1
    102 04/09/0014 00:00:00         45          1
    102 05/09/0014 00:00:00         60          2
    102 06/09/0014 00:00:00         50          3
    102 09/09/0014 00:00:00         60          4