angularjs $http.get 在 ASP.Net Web Api 2 控制器中使用自定义方法的替代方法

Alternatives to using custom methods for angularjs $http.get in an ASP.Net Web Api 2 controller

我正在尝试使用 MVC 5、WEB API 2 和 AngularJS 学习和构建 Web 应用程序。我已经使用自定义 CRUD 操作构建了一个运行良好的应用程序。现在我想完全控制网络 api 控制器,这样我就可以 return 根据我的要求获取数据。例如,我想从以下代码中获取 returned 数据 -

        string today = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
        var appointment1 = from prescription in db.Prescriptions
                           where prescription.appointment == "15/01/2015"
                           from consultation in prescription.Consultations

                           select new
                               ID =,
                               Name = prescription.patient_name,
                               Contact = prescription.patient_contact,
                               Task = prescription.next_task

        var appointment2 = from consultation in db.Consultations
                           where consultation.next_date == "15/01/2015"
                           select new
                               ID =,
                               Name = consultation.Prescription.patient_name,
                               Contact = consultation.Prescription.patient_contact,
                               Task = consultation.next_task

        var finalAppointments = appointment1.Concat(appointment2);
        return finalAppointments;

我有三个问题: 1) 除了在我的网络 api 控制器中创建自定义方法之外,还有什么方法可以检索 returned 数据吗? 2) 能不能稍微修改一下默认的方法?如果是这样,那又如何呢? 3) 如果我应该使用自定义方法,具有 returned 数据类型的方法结构是什么?


注意:我没有正确理解你的第一个问题。对于 2que 和 3que....

假设我在 Web 中使用 Get 方法 api 2、MVC5(希望您对 Web 中的 HTTP 方法有所了解 api) 它收集所需的数据(return 返回 angularjs)...... 现在取决于您的要求,即您要将多少对象发送回客户端。

IHttpActionResult 将是您在所有 HTTP 方法中的 return 类型,因为 IHttpActionResult 通过 Web api 发送状态代码...


假设我有 PrescriptionsController.cs。所以在里面。

public IHttpActionResult Get()
      var appointment1 = from prescription in db.Prescriptions
                       where prescription.appointment == "15/01/2015"
                       from consultation in prescription.Consultations

                       select new
                           ID =,
                           Name = prescription.patient_name,
                           Contact = prescription.patient_contact,
                           Task = prescription.next_task

    var appointment2 = from consultation in db.Consultations
                       where consultation.next_date == "15/01/2015"
                       select new
                           ID =,
                           Name = consultation.Prescription.patient_name,
                           Contact = consultation.Prescription.patient_contact,
                           Task = consultation.next_task

    var finalAppointments = appointment1.Concat(appointment2);
   // return finalAppointments;    //rather I'd use below line...

      return Ok(finalAppointments); // here your are concatenating two objects and want to send single object only.


假设我想分别发送两个对象... 然后使用以下方式,

//public IHttpActionResult Get()
public dynamic Get()
      var appointment1 = from prescription in db.Prescriptions
                       where prescription.appointment == "15/01/2015"
                       from consultation in prescription.Consultations

                       select new
                           ID =,
                           Name = prescription.patient_name,
                           Contact = prescription.patient_contact,
                           Task = prescription.next_task

    var appointment2 = from consultation in db.Consultations
                       where consultation.next_date == "15/01/2015"
                       select new
                           ID =,
                           Name = consultation.Prescription.patient_name,
                           Contact = consultation.Prescription.patient_contact,
                           Task = consultation.next_task

    //var finalAppointments = appointment1.Concat(appointment2);
   // return finalAppointments;    //rather I'd use below line...

   //   return Ok(finalAppointments); // here your are concatenating two objects.

   return new {appointment1 ,appointment2 }; // you can send multiple objects...

