docker-机器 AWS 无法创建机器错误检查 and/or 重新生成证书

docker-machine AWS can't create machine Error checking and/or regenerating the certs

我突然无法在 AWS 上使用 docker 机器创建新机器。我可以很好地连接到旧机器,但是在尝试创建新机器时,我得到以下输出:

Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes... Detecting operating system of created instance... Waiting for SSH to be available... Detecting the provisioner... Provisioning with ubuntu(upstart)... Installing Docker... Copying certs to the local machine directory... Copying certs to the remote machine... Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon... Checking connection to Docker... Error creating machine: Error checking the host: Error checking and/or regenerating the certs: There was an error validating certificates for host "x.x.155.174:2376": read tcp x.x.x.x:xxxxx->x.x.155.174:2376: read: connection reset by peer You can attempt to regenerate them using 'docker-machine regenerate-certs [name]'. Be advised that this will trigger a Docker daemon restart which might stop running containers.

我正在使用这个 AMI ami-5e63d13e


这是 Docker 中的错误,已在最新版本 (0.12.1) 中修复: