
Filter a Set for Matching String Permutations

我正在尝试使用 itertools.permutations() 来 return string 的所有排列和return 仅属于一组 个单词

import itertools

def permutations_in_dict(string, words): 
    string : {str}
    words : {set}

    list : {list} of {str}    

    >>> permutations_in_dict('act', {'cat', 'rat', 'dog', 'act'})
    ['act', 'cat']


return list(set([''.join(p) for p in itertools.permutations(string)]) & words)



return sorted(set(''.join(p) for p in itertools.permutations(string)) & words)


list(map("".join, itertools.permutations('act')))
['act', 'atc', 'cat', 'cta', 'tac', 'tca']


listA = list(map("".join, itertools.permutations('act')))

您的列表是 ListB

listB = ['cat', 'rat', 'dog', 'act']


list(set(listA) & set(listB))
['cat', 'act']

您可以简单地使用 collections.Counter()wordsstring 进行比较,而无需创建所有 permutations(这会随着字符串的长度而增加):

from collections import Counter

def permutations_in_dict(string, words):
    c = Counter(string)
    return [w for w in words if c == Counter(w)]

>>> permutations_in_dict('act', {'cat', 'rat', 'dog', 'act'})
['cat', 'act']

注意:sets 是无序的,所以如果您需要特定的顺序,您可能需要对结果进行排序,例如return sorted(...)


您要解决的问题最好描述为测试 anagram 个匹配项。


traditional solution是对目标字符串进行排序,对候选字符串进行排序,判断是否相等

>>> def permutations_in_dict(string, words):
        target = sorted(string)
        return sorted(word for word in words if sorted(word) == target)

>>> permutations_in_dict('act', {'cat', 'rat', 'dog', 'act'})
['act', 'cat']


另一种方法是使用collections.Counter() to make a multiset 相等性测试。这在算法上优于排序解决方案(O(n) 对比 O(n log n))但往往会失败,除非字符串的大小很大(由于散列所有字符的成本)。

>>> def permutations_in_dict(string, words):
        target = Counter(string)
        return sorted(word for word in words if Counter(word) == target)

>>> permutations_in_dict('act', {'cat', 'rat', 'dog', 'act'})
['act', 'cat']


一个独特的字谜签名或perfect hash可以通过将字符串中每个可能的字符对应的素数相乘来构造。

commutative property of multiplication guarantees that the hash value will be invariant for any permutation of a single string. The uniqueness of the hash value is guaranteed by the fundamental theorem of arithmetic(也称为唯一质因数分解定理)。

>>> from operator import mul
>>> primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
>>> primes += [p for p in range(13, 1620) if all(pow(b, p-1, p) == 1 for b in (5, 11))]
>>> anagram_hash = lambda s: reduce(mul, (primes[ord(c)] for c in s))
>>> def permutations_in_dict(string, words):
        target = anagram_hash(string)
        return sorted(word for word in words if anagram_hash(word) == target)

>>> permutations_in_dict('act', {'cat', 'rat', 'dog', 'act'})
['act', 'cat']


当字符串较小时,使用 itertools.permutations() 在目标字符串上按排列搜索是合理的(在 n 长度字符串上生成排列会生成 n 阶乘候选)。

好消息是当n小而words的数量大时,这种方法运行s非常快(因为集合成员测试是 O(1)):

>>> from itertools import permutations
>>> def permutations_in_dict(string, words):
        perms = set(map(''.join, permutations(string)))
        return sorted(word for word in words if word in perms)

>>> permutations_in_dict('act', {'cat', 'rat', 'dog', 'act'})
['act', 'cat']

正如 OP 推测的那样,使用 set.intersection():

可以将纯 python 搜索循环加速到 c-speed
>>> def permutations_in_dict(string, words):
        perms = set(map(''.join, permutations(string)))
        return sorted(words & perms)

>>> permutations_in_dict('act', {'cat', 'rat', 'dog', 'act'})
['act', 'cat']


哪种解决方案最好取决于 string 的长度和 words 的长度。时间将显示哪个最适合特定问题。


Timings with string_size=5 and words_size=1000000
0.01406    match_sort
0.06827    match_multiset
0.02167    match_perfect_hash
0.00224    match_permutations
0.00013    match_permutations_set

Timings with string_size=20 and words_size=1000000
2.19771    match_sort
8.38644    match_multiset
4.22723    match_perfect_hash
<takes "forever"> match_permutations
<takes "forever"> match_permutations_set




  • 集合、itertools 和集合可以快速解决此类问题。
  • Big-oh 运行ning 时间很重要(n 阶乘分解为大 n)。
  • 恒定的开销很重要(由于散列开销,排序胜过多重集)。
  • 离散数学是思想的宝库。
  • 除非您进行分析和 运行 时间安排,否则很难知道什么是最好的 :-)


FWIW,这是我用来 运行 比较时间的测试设置:

from collections import Counter
from itertools import permutations
from string import letters
from random import choice
from operator import mul
from time import time

def match_sort(string, words):
    target = sorted(string)
    return sorted(word for word in words if sorted(word) == target)

def match_multiset(string, words):
    target = Counter(string)
    return sorted(word for word in words if Counter(word) == target)

primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]
primes += [p for p in range(13, 1620) if all(pow(b, p-1, p) == 1 for b in (5, 11))]
anagram_hash = lambda s: reduce(mul, (primes[ord(c)] for c in s))

def match_perfect_hash(string, words):
    target = anagram_hash(string)
    return sorted(word for word in words if anagram_hash(word) == target)

def match_permutations(string, words):
    perms = set(map(''.join, permutations(string)))
    return sorted(word for word in words if word in perms)

def match_permutations_set(string, words):
    perms = set(map(''.join, permutations(string)))
    return sorted(words & perms)

string_size = 5
words_size = 1000000

population = letters[: string_size+2]
words = set()
for i in range(words_size):
    word = ''.join([choice(population) for i in range(string_size)])
string = word                # Arbitrarily search use the last word as the target

print 'Timings with string_size=%d and words_size=%d' % (string_size, words_size)
for func in (match_sort, match_multiset, match_perfect_hash, match_permutations, match_permutations_set):
    start = time()
    func(string, words)
    end = time()
    print '%-10.5f %s' % (end - start, func.__name__)


    letters = dict()
    for i in word:
      letters[i] = letters.get(i, 0) + 1

