运行 API Android (Hyper-V) 的 VS 模拟器上的级别 24+

Running API Level 24+ on VS Emulator for Android (Hyper-V)

我一直在使用 Visual Studio Emulator for Android 来测试我的 Xamarin 应用程序,我对 Hyper-V 优于 HAXM 的性能印象深刻。但是,我似乎找不到任何选项来模拟 6.0 API 级别 23:

有没有办法为 API 级别大于 23 的用户下载额外的系统映像?

根据 this and corroborated here,将不支持 23 以上的级别,他们建议使用 Android SDK 附带的改进模拟器。这是引用:

From Microsoft:


This is an automated message. Unfortunately, we have no plans to publish Android images past 4.4. We recommend that you try Google or GenyMotion’s emulator for future images of the Android operating system.

When we first released the Visual Studio Android emulator, the Google emulator was slow, out-of-date, and a significant source of pain for mobile developers. In addition to the great work performed by GenyMotion, the Visual Studio Android Emulator proved that emulators can be fast, productive tools for mobile development.

Since then, Google has responded to developer feedback by increasing their investment in their tools. The next generation Google Android Emulator has closed the feature gap that previously differentiated Visual Studio’s emulator. Google’s emulator has become much faster and more feature rich.

We also know that, for mobile developers, authenticity is key. We believe that Google, as the platform owner, is best positioned to provide ongoing support for new versions of the platform in a way that accurately and authentically reflects the real-world behavior on devices.

For developers like you who’ve come to love and depend on the VS Android Emulator, thank you! We will continue to support in-market platform images according to Visual Studio’s generous support policy. However, Microsoft will no longer produce new Android images for the VS Android Emulator. We consider this a successful project that has come to a natural conclusion.

Happy coding!