用于 DS18B20 温度传感器的 1 线芯的 VHDL 包装器

VHDL wrapper for 1-wire core for DS18B20 temperature sensor

目前我正在尝试为 this Opencore Verilog module (1-wire master) so that I can send/receive from this 温度传感器 (DS18B20) 编写 VHDL 包装器。

但是我很难理解它的用法。即 read/write 启用与 1-wire 主模块的 control/status 寄存器中的 cyc 位。

我目前的代码将 cyc 位设置为 1,同时将 read/write 启用为 1,但不会在每一位期间循环它们。这是正确的还是我误解了?我是 VHDL 的新手/正在阅读数据表,所以我已经为此苦苦挣扎了几天。任何帮助将不胜感激。

我发现 this site 我一直在使用它作为参考,但它不涉及我正在使用的 Verilog 模块。

我也在寻找关于我的代码风格的提示,以及一般的 VHDL 提示。


use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; --may need to remove if signed not used

ENTITY one_wire_temp_probe_control IS
        one_us_divider_g : integer range 0 to 50      := 50      -- clock divider for one micro second
    PORT (
        i_clk_50mhz      : IN STD_LOGIC;
        i_read_enable    : IN std_logic;
        io_temp_probe    : INOUT STD_LOGIC; --how do i register an inout
        o_temperature    : OUT signed(6 DOWNTO 0); 
        o_temp_ready     : OUT std_logic
END one_wire_temp_probe_control;

ARCHITECTURE rtl of one_wire_temp_probe_control IS
    ----temp commands----
    CONSTANT skip_rom_c          : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0) := x"CC"; --command to skip ROM identity of temperature sensor
    CONSTANT convert_temp_c      : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0) := x"44"; --command to start temperature conversion
    CONSTANT read_scratchpad_c   : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0) := x"BE"; --command to read the scratchpad i.e. get temperature data
    CONSTANT command_bits_c      : integer RANGE 0 TO 8         := 8;     --number of bits in the above commands (note: range used to limit number of bits to minimum needed)
    CONSTANT data_bits_c         : integer RANGE 0 to 12        := 12;    --number of bits in received data
    ----1-wire commands----
    CONSTANT send_reset_pulse          : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0) := "00001010"; --command to send reset pulse
    CONSTANT write_command_structure_c : std_logic_vector(6 DOWNTO 0) := "0000000";  --structure of the command that must be passed to the 1-wire controller (----EDIT----)
    ----timing constants----
    CONSTANT delay_65us_c        : integer := one_us_divider_g * 65;      --65 micro-second delay
    CONSTANT delay_960us_c       : integer := one_us_divider_g * 960;     --960 micro-second delay 
    CONSTANT delay_750ms         : integer := one_us_divider_g * 1000 * 750; --760 milli-second delay

    ----state machine----
    TYPE state_type              IS (idle, presence_pulse, wait_presence_pulse, skip_rom, temp_conversion, wait_for_conversion,
                                     read_scratchpad, data_read, convert_data, wait_65us);
    SIGNAL state                 : state_type := idle;
    SIGNAL previous_state        : state_type := idle;
    SIGNAL read_enable_s, write_enable_s, reset_s, owr_e_s : std_logic := '0';
    SIGNAL write_data_s, read_data_s                       : std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0):= (OTHERS => '0'); --8 bit mode chosen in sockit_owm 
    SIGNAL address_s                                       : std_logic_vector(1 DOWNTO 0) := "00"; 
    SIGNAL timer_s                                         : integer := 0;
    SIGNAL bit_counter_command_s : integer RANGE 0 TO command_bits_c := 0;  --counter for bits in commands (note: not -1 due to using 9th bit as state change)
    SIGNAL bit_counter_data_s    : integer RANGE 0 TO data_bits_c    := 0;  --counter for bits in data recieved
    SIGNAL temperature_raw_data  : std_logic_vector(11 DOWNTO 0) := (OTHERS => '0');

    ----one wire control----
    COMPONENT sockit_owm IS
    PORT (
        ----control interface----
        clk     : IN std_logic;
        rst     : IN std_logic;
        bus_ren : IN std_logic;
        bus_wen : IN std_logic;
        bus_adr : IN std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);
        bus_wdt : IN std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);
        bus_rdt : OUT std_logic_vector(7 DOWNTO 0);
        bus_irq : OUT std_logic;
        ----1-wire interface----
        owr_p   : OUT std_logic; --verilog code is a one bit wide vector
        owr_e   : OUT std_logic;
        owr_i   : IN std_logic


    address_s <= "00"; --for the temp probe control we're not interested in other address spaces

    PROCESS(i_clk_50mhz) BEGIN --state change
        IF rising_edge(i_clk_50mhz) THEN
            CASE state is
                WHEN idle =>
                    o_temp_ready <= '0';
                    IF (i_read_enable = '1') THEN
                        state <= presence_pulse;
                        state <= idle;
                    END IF; 

                WHEN presence_pulse =>
                ----send reset/presence pulse----
                    write_enable_s  <= '1';
                    write_data_s    <= send_reset_pulse;
                    timer_s         <= delay_960us_c;
                    state           <= wait_presence_pulse;

                WHEN wait_presence_pulse =>
                ----wait for 960 micro seconds----
                    read_enable_s <= '1';
                    IF (timer_s = 0) THEN
                        IF (read_data_s(0) = '0') THEN
                            state <= skip_rom;
                        ELSIF (read_data_s(0) = '1') THEN
                            --precence not detected
                            state <= wait_presence_pulse;
                        END IF;
                        timer_s <= timer_s - 1;
                        state   <= wait_presence_pulse;
                    END IF;

                WHEN skip_rom =>
                ----send skip rom command----
                    previous_state <= skip_rom;
                    write_enable_s <= '1';
                        IF (bit_counter_command_s = command_bits_c) THEN
                            bit_counter_command_s <= 0;
                            state                 <= temp_conversion;
                            write_data_s <= write_command_structure_c & skip_rom_c(bit_counter_command_s); ---command structure concatonated with 1 bit from command
                            bit_counter_command_s <= bit_counter_command_s + 1;
                            timer_s               <= delay_65us_c;
                            state                 <= wait_65us;
                        END IF;   

                WHEN temp_conversion =>
                ----send temp conversion command to probe----
                    previous_state <= temp_conversion;
                    IF (bit_counter_command_s = bit_counter_command_s) THEN
                        bit_counter_command_s   <= 0;
                        timer_s                 <= delay_750ms;
                        state                   <= wait_for_conversion;
                        write_data_s <= write_command_structure_c & convert_temp_c(bit_counter_command_s); ---command structure concatonated with 1 bit from command
                        bit_counter_command_s   <= bit_counter_command_s + 1;
                        timer_s                 <= delay_65us_c;
                        state                   <= wait_65us;
                    END IF;

                WHEN wait_for_conversion =>
                ----wait for temperature conversion to finish----
                    IF (timer_s = 0) then
                        state <= read_scratchpad;
                        timer_s <= timer_s - 1;
                    END IF;

                WHEN read_scratchpad =>
                ----send read scratchpad command----
                    previous_state <= read_scratchpad;
                    IF (bit_counter_command_s = command_bits_c) THEN
                        state                 <= data_read;
                        bit_counter_command_s <= 0;
                        write_data_s <= write_command_structure_c & read_scratchpad_c(bit_counter_command_s); ---command structure concatonated with 1 bit from command
                        bit_counter_command_s <= bit_counter_command_s + 1;
                        timer_s               <= delay_65us_c;
                        state                 <= wait_65us;
                    END IF;

                WHEN data_read =>
                ----read incoming data----
                    previous_state <= data_read;
                    read_enable_s <= '1';
                    IF (bit_counter_data_s = data_bits_c) THEN
                        bit_counter_data_s <= 0; --may need to invert this
                        state              <= convert_data;
                        temperature_raw_data(bit_counter_data_s) <= read_data_s(0);
                        bit_counter_data_s                       <= bit_counter_data_s + 1;
                        timer_s                                  <= delay_65us_c;
                        state                                    <= wait_65us;
                    END IF;

                WHEN convert_data =>
                ----convert raw data into temperature----
                    o_temp_ready <= '1';

                WHEN wait_65us =>
                ----wait for read/write cycle to finish----
                    IF (timer_s = 0) THEN
                        state <= previous_state;
                        timer_s <= timer_s - 1;   
                        state   <= wait_65us;
                    END IF;
            END CASE;
        END IF;

    ----one wire component instantiation----
    one_wire_control : sockit_owm
        ----control interface----
        clk     => i_clk_50mhz,
        rst     => reset_s,
        bus_ren => read_enable_s,
        bus_wen => write_enable_s,
        bus_adr => address_s,
        bus_wdt => write_data_s,
        bus_rdt => read_data_s,
        bus_irq => OPEN,
        ----1-wire interface----
        owr_p   => OPEN,
        owr_e   => owr_e_s,
        owr_i   => io_temp_probe
    io_temp_probe <= owr_e_s ? '0' : 'Z'; --I also need help converting this line to VHDL

END rtl;

提前谢谢你。 最好 汤姆

I am also looking for tips on my code style, and VHDL tips in general.



use IEEE.NUMERIC_STD.ALL; --may need to remove if signed not used

然后删除,因为我没有看到任何 signed

one_us_divider_g : integer range 0 to 50      := 50      -- clock divider for one micro second

所以... one_us_divider_g 设置为 0 会发生什么?似乎是非法值。用它来模拟?

io_temp_probe    : INOUT STD_LOGIC; --how do i register an inout

一种选择是使用三态 IOBUFFER。这是一个特殊的 FPGA 边缘元件,它将输入和输出拆分为单独的信号。您可以通过设置控制端口来三态输出。


io_temp_probe <= owr_e_s ? '0' : 'Z'; --I also need help converting this line to VHDL

io_temp_probe <= '0' when owr_e_s = '1' else 'Z';

CONSTANT command_bits_c      : integer RANGE 0 TO 8         := 8;


CONSTANT send_reset_pulse : ...
CONSTANT delay_750ms : ...


COMPONENT sockit_owm IS


one_wire_control : entity work.sockit_owm

WHEN idle =>
        state <= idle;
    END IF; 

不需要。如果您不更改 state,它将停留在 idle

WHEN wait_presence_pulse =>
    IF (timer_s = 0) THEN
        IF (read_data_s(0) = '0') THEN
        ELSIF (read_data_s(0) = '1') THEN
            state <= wait_presence_pulse;
        END IF;

read_data_s(0) '0' 和 '1' 被覆盖。你期望任何其他价值吗?这只能在模拟中发生,而不能在实施中发生。所以最后一个 else 语句中的代码是不可访问的。

    timer_s               <= delay_65us_c;
    state                 <= wait_65us;
WHEN wait_65us =>
    IF (timer_s = 0) THEN
        timer_s <= timer_s - 1;   
    END IF;

假设延迟为 65 us,持续 10 个时钟周期。将分频器设置为 1,delay_65us_c=10。所以在 t=0 时,timer_s 设置为 10。在 t=1 时 -state 现在是 wait_65us- timer_s 设置为 9。依此类推:在 t =10,timer_s 设置为 0... 但 state 仍然是 wait_65us。所以在t=11时,检测到timer_s为0,state改成之前的。它将在 t=12 时进入。 因此,您得到的不是 10 个时钟周期的延迟,而是 12 个时钟周期的延迟。


SIGNAL read_enable_s, write_enable_s, reset_s, owr_e_s : std_logic := '0';
[... not used anywhere else... ]
one_wire_control : sockit_owm
    rst     => reset_s,


如果您使用的是 Quartus,则可以将 VHDL 代码与 Verilog 甚至原理图元素混合使用。在下面的 link 中,我为同一芯片 (DS18B20) 使用了 verilog 驱动程序。

详情请看这里: https://physnoct.wordpress.com/2016/12/14/altera-quartus-combining-verilog-and-vhdl/