
Apply all filter functions to a value


def createBuilder(builder: InitialBuilder, name: Option[String], useCache: Boolean, timeout: Option[Long]): Builder = {
    val filters: List[Builder => Option[Builder]] = List(
      b => name.map(b.withName),
      b => if (useCache) Some(b.withCache) else None,
      b => timeout.map(b.withTimeout))

    filters.foldLeft(builder)((b,filter) => filter(b).getOrElse(b))

它从Builder => Option[Builder]定义了3个过滤函数(从可选参数转换而来)。我想将它们应用于现有的 builder 值,因此在 None 的情况下,我可以 return 本身不变。

上面的代码是我能想到的最好的代码,但我觉得我应该能够以某种方式使用 Monoid 来做到这一点 - return identity 在 [= 的情况下26=].

不幸的是,我不知道如何定义一个有意义的。或者,如果有 better/different 方法可以做到这一点?


我认为您的 A => M[A] 结构有点多余。您在示例中使用的过滤器函数实际上等同于 Option[Builder => Builder]。那是因为您没有使用他们的 Builder 参数来决定结果应该是 Some 还是 None。您可以使用 .getOrElse(identity).

将函数进一步简化为 Builder => Builder

这里有 2 个使用这个想法的实现。他们甚至不真正依赖猫。

def createBuilder(
  builder: InitialBuilder, name: Option[String], useCache: Boolean, timeout: Option[Long]
): Builder = {
  def builderStage[T](param: Option[T])(modify: T => Builder => Builder): Builder => Builder =

  val stages: List[Builder => Builder] = List(
    builderStage(name)(n => _ withName n),
    // `Boolean` is equivalent to `Option[Unit]`, and we convert it to that representation
    // Haskell has a special function to do such a conversion `guard`.
    // In Scalaz you can use an extension method `useCache.option(())`.
    // In cats a similar `option` is provided in Mouse library.
    // But you can just write this manually or define your own extension
    builderStage(if (useCache) ().some else none)(_ => _.withCache),
    builderStage(timeout)(t => _ withTimeout t)

  // It should be possible to use `foldK` method in cats, to do a similar thing.
  // The problems are that it may be more esoteric and harder to understand, 
  // it seems you have to provide type arguments even with -Ypartial-unification,
  // it folds starting from the last function, because it's based on `compose`.
  // Anyway, `reduceLeft(_ andThen _)` works fine for a list of plain functions. 
  stages.reduceLeft(_ andThen _)(builder)

另一种可能性是 flatten OptionList,它只是简单地删除 None 而不会将它们强制转换为 identity:

def createBuilder2(
  builder: InitialBuilder, name: Option[String], useCache: Boolean, timeout: Option[Long]
): Builder = {
  val stages: List[Option[Builder => Builder]] = List(
    name.map(n => _ withName n),
    if (useCache) Some(_.withCache) else None,
    timeout.map(t => _ withTimeout t)

  stages.flatten.reduceLeft(_ andThen _)(builder)