如何在 C 中获取数组的前 N 个值的索引
How to get indices of top N values of an array in C
我从以下 link
获得了 C 代码
How to get the indices of top N values of an array?
我在上面的 link 代码中添加了输入激励部分,并开发了以下 c-model
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
double *arr =malloc(sizeof(double)*10);
int N=10;
int n =5;
int *top =malloc(sizeof(int)*10);
arr[0] = 0.00623;
arr[1] = 0.745;
arr[2] = 0.440;
arr[3] = 0.145;
arr[4] = 0.645;
arr[5] = 0.741;
arr[6] = 0.542;
arr[7] = 0.445;
arr[8] = 0.146;
arr[9] = 0.095;
top[0] = 100;
top[1] = 100;
top[2] = 100;
top[3] = 100;
top[4] = 100;
int top_count = 0;
int i;
for (i=0;i<N;++i) {
// invariant: arr[top[0]] >= arr[top[1]] >= .... >= arr[top[top_count-1]]
// are the indices of the top_count larger values in arr[0],...,arr[i-1]
// top_count = max(i,n);
int k;
for (k=top_count;k>0 && arr[i]>arr[top[k-1]];k--){
// i should be inserted in position k
if (k>=n) continue; // element arr[i] is not in the top n
// shift elements from k to top_count
int j=top_count;
if (j>n-1) { // top array is already full
} else { // increase top array
for (;j>k;j--) {
// insert i
top[k] = i;
printf("top[%0d] = %0d\n",k,top[k]);
return top_count;
top[0] = 0
top[0] = 1
top[1] = 2
top[2] = 3
top[1] = 4
top[1] = 5
top[3] = 6
top[4] = 7
的索引错误。应该是top[2] =4
。我无法解码为什么它只给 top[2]
您在排序时立即输出最新插入的值。您在流程的某处获得输出 top[2] = 2
,但稍后,您通过插入新值 before:
将 2 移出数组
for (;j > k; j--)
top[j] = top[j-1]; // moves the 2 out with further iterations!
} // for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
// sorting finished now, so NOW output:
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("top[%0d] = %0d (%f)\n", i, top[i], arr[top[i]]);
我从以下 link
获得了 C 代码How to get the indices of top N values of an array?
我在上面的 link 代码中添加了输入激励部分,并开发了以下 c-model
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
int main() {
double *arr =malloc(sizeof(double)*10);
int N=10;
int n =5;
int *top =malloc(sizeof(int)*10);
arr[0] = 0.00623;
arr[1] = 0.745;
arr[2] = 0.440;
arr[3] = 0.145;
arr[4] = 0.645;
arr[5] = 0.741;
arr[6] = 0.542;
arr[7] = 0.445;
arr[8] = 0.146;
arr[9] = 0.095;
top[0] = 100;
top[1] = 100;
top[2] = 100;
top[3] = 100;
top[4] = 100;
int top_count = 0;
int i;
for (i=0;i<N;++i) {
// invariant: arr[top[0]] >= arr[top[1]] >= .... >= arr[top[top_count-1]]
// are the indices of the top_count larger values in arr[0],...,arr[i-1]
// top_count = max(i,n);
int k;
for (k=top_count;k>0 && arr[i]>arr[top[k-1]];k--){
// i should be inserted in position k
if (k>=n) continue; // element arr[i] is not in the top n
// shift elements from k to top_count
int j=top_count;
if (j>n-1) { // top array is already full
} else { // increase top array
for (;j>k;j--) {
// insert i
top[k] = i;
printf("top[%0d] = %0d\n",k,top[k]);
return top_count;
top[0] = 0
top[0] = 1
top[1] = 2
top[2] = 3
top[1] = 4
top[1] = 5
top[3] = 6
top[4] = 7
的索引错误。应该是top[2] =4
。我无法解码为什么它只给 top[2]
您在排序时立即输出最新插入的值。您在流程的某处获得输出 top[2] = 2
,但稍后,您通过插入新值 before:
for (;j > k; j--)
top[j] = top[j-1]; // moves the 2 out with further iterations!
} // for (i = 0; i < N; ++i)
// sorting finished now, so NOW output:
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
printf("top[%0d] = %0d (%f)\n", i, top[i], arr[top[i]]);