zsim. pin error :$PINPATH environment variable with Pin's path

zsim. pin error :$PINPATH environment variable with Pin's path

我要编译zsim (https://github.com/s5z/zsim)

~/zsim$ scons -j16


scons: Reading SConscript files ...
Building opt zsim at build/opt
ERROR: You need to define the $PINPATH environment variable with Pin's path


$ pin
E: Missing application name
Pin 3.2
Copyright (c) 2003-2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
VERSION: 81201 DATE: Feb  2 2017
Usage: pin [OPTION] [-t <tool> [<toolargs>]] -- <command line>
Use -help for a description of options


os:ubuntu 12.04 gcc:4.6.3 g++:4.6.3 pin:3.2

快速浏览一下自述文件指定以下内容: (https://github.com/s5z/zsim/blob/master/README.md)

Download Pin, http://www.pintool.org . Tested with Pin 2.8+ on an x86-64 architecture. Compiler flags are set up for Pin 2.9 on x86-64. To get flags for other versions, examine the Pin makefile or derive from sample pintools. Set the PINPATH environment variable to Pin's base directory.


export PINPATH=<Base directory of your pin install>