如何在 Coq 中使用包含 forall 的假设?

How to make use of a hypothesis containing forall in Coq?

我试图证明 P \/ Q~ P -> Q 的等价性,在排除中间的假设下,

Theorem eq_of_or :
  excluded_middle ->
  forall P Q : Prop,
    (P \/ Q) <-> (~ P -> Q).


Definition excluded_middle := forall P : Prop, P \/ ~ P.


  intros EM P Q. split.
  { intros [H | H]. intros HNP. 
    - unfold not in HNP. exfalso.
      apply HNP. apply H.
    - intros HNP. apply H. }
  { intros H. unfold excluded_middle in EM.
    unfold not in EM. unfold not in H.


1 subgoal
EM : forall P : Prop, P \/ (P -> False)
P, Q : Prop
H : (P -> False) -> Q
P \/ Q

我明白了,在这种情况下,我们接下来要做的就是像P的"case analysis"一样,包括使用战术leftright,如果到目前为止,我的证明是有道理的。


你可以用任何命题实例化EM : forall P : Prop, P \/ ~ P(我在下面用P实例化它并立即销毁它),因为 EM 本质上是一个函数,它采用任意命题 P 和 returns 证明 P~ P.

Theorem eq_of_or' :
  excluded_middle ->
  forall P Q : Prop, (~ P -> Q) -> P \/ Q.
  intros EM P Q.
  destruct (EM P) as [p | np].     (* <- the key part is here *)
  - left. apply p.
  - right.
    apply (H np).
    (* or, equivalently, *)
    apply H.
    apply np.
    Undo 2.
    (* we can also combine two `apply` into one: *)
    apply H, np.