Univocity - 不规则的 csv 解析

Univocity - Irregular csv parsing

我有不规则(尽管一致)"csv" 文件需要解析。内容如下所示:

Field1: Field1Text
Field2: Field2Text

Field3 (need to ignore)
Field4 (need to ignore)


// Cars - for example

理想情况下,我想使用与 .



String field1;
String field2;
String field5;
List<Car> cars;


您的第一个问题是 # 默认情况下被视为注释字符。要防止以 # 开头的行被视为注释,请执行以下操作:


至于你正在解析的结构,没有一种开箱即用的方法,但很容易利用 API 来解析它。以下将起作用:

    CsvParserSettings settings = new CsvParserSettings();
    settings.getFormat().setComment('[=11=]'); //prevent lines starting with # to be parsed as comments

    //Creates a parser
    CsvParser parser = new CsvParser(settings);

    //Open the input
    parser.beginParsing(new File("/path/to/input.csv"), "UTF-8");

    //create BeanListProcessor for instances of Car, and initialize it.
    BeanListProcessor<Car> carProcessor = new BeanListProcessor<Car>(Car.class);

    String[] row;
    Parent parent = null;
    while ((row = parser.parseNext()) != null) { //read rows one by one.
        if (row[0].startsWith("Field1:")) {  // when Field1 is found, create your parent instance
            if (parent != null) { //if you already have a parent instance, cars have been read. Associate the list of cars to the instance
                parent.cars = new ArrayList<Car>(carProcessor.getBeans()); //copy the list of cars from the processor.
                carProcessor.getBeans().clear(); //clears the processor list
                //you probably want to do something with your parent bean here.
            parent = new Parent(); //create a fresh parent instance
            parent.field1 = row[0]; //assign the fields as appropriate.
        } else if (row[0].startsWith("Field2:")) {
            parent.field2 = row[0]; //and so on
        } else if (row[0].startsWith("Field5:")) {
            parent.field5 = row[0];
        } else if (row[0].startsWith("#")){ //got a "Car" row, invoke the rowProcessed method of the carProcessor.
            carProcessor.rowProcessed(row, parser.getContext());

    //at the end, if there is a parent, get the cars parsed
    if (parent != null) {
        parent.cars = carProcessor.getBeans();

要使 BeanListProcessor 正常工作,您需要像这样声明您的实例:

public static final class Car {
    @Parsed(index = 0)
    String id;
    @Parsed(index = 1)
    String col1;
    @Parsed(index = 2)
    String col2;
    @Parsed(index = 3)
    String col3;
    @Parsed(index = 4)
    String col4;
    @Parsed(index = 5)
    String col5;
    @Parsed(index = 6)
    String col6;

您可以改用 headers,但这会使您编写更多代码。如果 headers 始终相同,那么您可以假设位置是固定的。
