
How to properly use the custom shared_ptr deleter?

对于 shared_ptr 使用自定义删除器的正确方法,我仍然有些困惑。我有一个跟踪资源分配的 ResourceManager class,我修改了它的接口以支持自动释放已用资源,方法是将 Release 方法设为私有,Allocate 方法返回一个 ResourceHolder:

// ResourceManager.cpp:
    ResourceHolder<Resource> Allocate(args);

    void Release(Resource*);

和 ResourceHolder class 我是这样实现的:

// ResourceHolder.h
template <typename T>
class ResourceHolder
        _In_ T* resource,
        _In_ const std::function<void(T*)>& cleanupFunction)
        : _cleanupFunction(cleanupFunction)
        , _resource(resource, [&](T* resource)
        }) // Uses a custom deleter to release the resource.

    std::function<void(T*)> _cleanupFunction;
    std::shared_ptr<T> _resource;

// ResourceManager::Allocate()
return ResourceHolder<Resource>(new Resource(),[this](Resource* r) { Release(r); });
  1. 在我的清理方法中,我必须删除 T 吗?这样做总是安全的吗?

    if (nullptr != T) delete T;
  2. 如果 cleanup() 可以抛出异常会怎样?在某些情况下我可以让它脱离作用域,还是应该始终阻止它?

  3. 我的 ResourceManager 不依赖于我正在使用的跟踪库,因此我选择了一个回调,调用者可以通过其构造函数提供该回调,并将在发布方法中调用该回调.所以我的 Release 看起来像这样:

    void Release(Resource* r)
        shared_ptr<std::Exception> exc = nullptr;
            // Do cleanup.
        catch(Exception* ex)
        if (nullptr != r) delete r;
        // Is it now safe to throw?
        if (nullptr != m_callback)
            m_callback(args, exc);
    void Callback(args, shared_ptr<std::Exception> ex)
        // Emit telemetry, including exception information.
        // If throwing here is ok, what is the correct way to throw exception here?
        if (nullptr != ex)
            throw ex;


In my cleanup method, do I have to delete T? Is it always safe to do it?

如果 指针引用了一个用 new 实例化的对象,那么您需要调用 delete 否则您将导致内存泄漏和未定义的行为。

What happens if cleanup() can throw an exception? Can I let it escape the scope under some circumstances, or should I always prevent it?

它不应该,您应该尽一切努力确保它不会。但是,如果清理代码 确实 抛出异常,您应该捕获它,适当地处理它,然后 吃掉 它。原因是可以在析构函数的上下文中调用自定义删除器,并且总是有可能在已经传播异常时调用析构函数。如果异常已经在进行中并且抛出另一个未捕获的异常,则应用程序将终止。换句话说,将自定义删除器和清理代码视为析构函数,并遵循有关异常处理的相同规则和准则。

Effective C++ 项目 #8 - 防止异常离开析构函数

Destructors should never emit exceptions. If functions called in a destructor may throw, the destructor should catch any exceptions, then swallow them or terminate the program.

§ 15.1/7 C++ 标准 [except.throw]

If the exception handling mechanism, after completing evaluation of the expression to be thrown but before the exception is caught, calls a function that exits via an exception, std::terminate is called.


Is this a sound design approach?


void Release(Resource* r)
        // Do cleanup.
    catch (Exception& ex)
        // Report to callback
        if (nullptr != m_callback)
            m_callback(args, &ex);

        // Handle exception completely or terminate

        // Done

    // No exceptions, call with nullptr
    if (nullptr != m_callback)
        m_callback(args, nullptr);

void Callback(args, const Exception* ex)
    // Emit telemetry, including exception information.

    //  DO NOT RETHROW ex