Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection() 函数在 Window 10 中的 Visual Studio 中编译为 64 位时不起作用
Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection() function not working when compiled for 64-bit in Visual Studio in Window 10
我遇到了 Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection()
当我在 Visual Studio 2010 中为 64 位平台编译时,它在 Window 10 中不工作,它 returns 错误 1。
但是,当我为 32 位平台编译时,该函数在 Window 10.
typedef BOOL(__stdcall *tFSRED)(HMODULE );
HMODULE hKernel = LoadLibrary(_T("Kernel32.dll")); // Get Kernel module handle
if (hKernel == NULL)
return 2;
tFSRED pFunc;
pFunc = (tFSRED) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection");
ret = pFunc(&oldValue); // Turn the file the file system redirector off
if (ret == FALSE)
_tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be turned off. Reason: %d"), GetLastError());
return 4;
// ret is always TRUE when compile through 32-bit platform
// but ret return FALSE when compile through 64-bit platform
在Visual Studio中,如果我编译的是64位平台,编译后在depends.exe
选择32位平台后,生成的EXE是32位的。该 EXE 适用于我的情况,但我希望我的 EXE 是 64 位的,因此我选择 64 位平台并获得 64 位 EXE,但它无法正常工作,正如我上面所解释的那样。
WOW64 仿真仅适用于 64 位系统上的 32 位可执行文件 运行。 64 位 EXE 不应 尝试使用 WOW64 函数(可能 IsWow64Process()
除外),因为 EXE 不会 运行 开始于 WOW64 内部。这就是您在 64 位 EXE 中收到错误代码 1 (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION
) 的原因。
ifdef 在 64 位编译中跳过 WOW64 函数的代码:
#ifndef _WIN64
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tFSDisable)(PVOID*);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tFSRevert(PVOID);
HMODULE hKernel = GetModuleHandle(_T("Kernel32"));
tFSDisable pDisableFunc = (tFSDisable) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection");
tFSRevert pRevertFunc = (tFSRevert) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection");
PVOID oldValue;
if ((pDisableFunc) && (pRevertFunc))
if (!pDisableFunc(&oldValue)) // Turn off the file system redirector
_tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be turned off. Reason: %d"), GetLastError());
return 4;
// do file system operations as needed...
#ifndef _WIN64
if ((pDisableFunc) && (pRevertFunc))
if (!pRevertFunc(oldValue)) // Restore the file system redirector
_tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be restored. Reason: %d"), GetLastError());
return 5;
省略 ifdef 并仅在 IsWow64Process()
报告当前进程实际上 运行 在 WOW64 内部时才调用 WOW64 函数:
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tFSDisable)(PVOID*);
typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tFSRevert(PVOID);
HMODULE hKernel = GetModuleHandle(_T("Kernel32"));
tW64P pIsWow64Func = (tW64P) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "IsWow64Process");
tFSDisable pDisableFunc = NULL;
tFSRevert pRevertFunc = NULL;
BOOL bIsWow64 = FALSE;
if (pIsWow64Func)
pIsWow64Func(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWow64);
if (bIsWow64)
pDisableFunc = (tFSDisable) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection");
pRevertFunc = (tFSRevert) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection");
PVOID oldValue;
if ((pDisableFunc) && (pRevertFunc))
if (!pDisableFunc(&oldValue)) // Turn off the file system redirector
_tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be turned off. Reason: %d"), GetLastError());
return 4;
// do file system operations as needed...
if ((pDisableFunc) && (pRevertFunc))
if (!pRevertFunc(oldValue)) // Restore the file system redirector
_tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be restored. Reason: %d"), GetLastError());
return 5;
我遇到了 Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection()
当我在 Visual Studio 2010 中为 64 位平台编译时,它在 Window 10 中不工作,它 returns 错误 1。
但是,当我为 32 位平台编译时,该函数在 Window 10.
中有效typedef BOOL(__stdcall *tFSRED)(HMODULE );
HMODULE hKernel = LoadLibrary(_T("Kernel32.dll")); // Get Kernel module handle
if (hKernel == NULL)
return 2;
tFSRED pFunc;
pFunc = (tFSRED) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection");
ret = pFunc(&oldValue); // Turn the file the file system redirector off
if (ret == FALSE)
_tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be turned off. Reason: %d"), GetLastError());
return 4;
// ret is always TRUE when compile through 32-bit platform
// but ret return FALSE when compile through 64-bit platform
在Visual Studio中,如果我编译的是64位平台,编译后在depends.exe
选择32位平台后,生成的EXE是32位的。该 EXE 适用于我的情况,但我希望我的 EXE 是 64 位的,因此我选择 64 位平台并获得 64 位 EXE,但它无法正常工作,正如我上面所解释的那样。
WOW64 仿真仅适用于 64 位系统上的 32 位可执行文件 运行。 64 位 EXE 不应 尝试使用 WOW64 函数(可能 IsWow64Process()
除外),因为 EXE 不会 运行 开始于 WOW64 内部。这就是您在 64 位 EXE 中收到错误代码 1 (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION
) 的原因。
ifdef 在 64 位编译中跳过 WOW64 函数的代码:
#ifndef _WIN64 typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tFSDisable)(PVOID*); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tFSRevert(PVOID); HMODULE hKernel = GetModuleHandle(_T("Kernel32")); tFSDisable pDisableFunc = (tFSDisable) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection"); tFSRevert pRevertFunc = (tFSRevert) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection"); PVOID oldValue; if ((pDisableFunc) && (pRevertFunc)) { if (!pDisableFunc(&oldValue)) // Turn off the file system redirector { _tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be turned off. Reason: %d"), GetLastError()); return 4; } } #endif // do file system operations as needed... #ifndef _WIN64 if ((pDisableFunc) && (pRevertFunc)) { if (!pRevertFunc(oldValue)) // Restore the file system redirector { _tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be restored. Reason: %d"), GetLastError()); return 5; } } #endif
省略 ifdef 并仅在
报告当前进程实际上 运行 在 WOW64 内部时才调用 WOW64 函数:typedef BOOL (WINAPI tW64P)(HANDLE, PBOOL); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tFSDisable)(PVOID*); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *tFSRevert(PVOID); HMODULE hKernel = GetModuleHandle(_T("Kernel32")); tW64P pIsWow64Func = (tW64P) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "IsWow64Process"); tFSDisable pDisableFunc = NULL; tFSRevert pRevertFunc = NULL; BOOL bIsWow64 = FALSE; if (pIsWow64Func) { pIsWow64Func(GetCurrentProcess(), &bIsWow64); if (bIsWow64) { pDisableFunc = (tFSDisable) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection"); pRevertFunc = (tFSRevert) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Wow64RevertWow64FsRedirection"); } } PVOID oldValue; if ((pDisableFunc) && (pRevertFunc)) { if (!pDisableFunc(&oldValue)) // Turn off the file system redirector { _tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be turned off. Reason: %d"), GetLastError()); return 4; } } // do file system operations as needed... if ((pDisableFunc) && (pRevertFunc)) { if (!pRevertFunc(oldValue)) // Restore the file system redirector { _tprintf(_T("\nFile System Redirection could not be restored. Reason: %d"), GetLastError()); return 5; } }