"File limit of 90 seconds" 发出的所有音频文件实际上总共 90 秒?

"File limit of 90 seconds" is actually 90 seconds total for all the audio files in that one emit?

还有其他人 运行 遇到过这个问题吗?我正在制作一项技能,可以在每次发出时播放混合到 alexa 语音中的音频片段。 Amazon 的资源网站只说文件本身必须在 90 秒以内。在一次发射中,我有 4 个文件加在一起超过 90 秒,但它们单独没有。亚马逊测试环境将 return 一个错误,指出总持续时间超过了允许的限制。很烦人。是将其分解为多个发射的唯一解决方案吗?

总时长不能超过 90 秒。文档实际上对此非常明确:

The audio files you include within your service’s response must be very short to ensure a good user experience. You can include up to five audio files in a single response. The combined total time for all audio files in a single response cannot be more than ninety (90) seconds.
