"Must declare the scalar variable" 在声明 table 的 where 子句中

"Must declare the scalar variable" inside where clause for declared table


--create temporary table
declare @tempemp TABLE(
  salary int

--get maximum salary of employees in sbi
insert into @tempemp
  select MAX(salary) as 'salary' from employee where company='sbi';

现在我想获取收入高于 sbi 所有员工的所有员工的姓名。我试过这个:

select * from employee where employee.salary > @tempemp.salary;


Must declare the scalar variable "@tempemp".


select * from @tempemp;


如果没有 selecting,您不能在 where 子句中将 tablename 用作 alias。你必须从 table 到 select。试试这个。

select * from employee 
where employee.salary > (select salary from @tempemp)

不要使用 table,使用变量:

declare @salary int;

select @salary = MAX(salary)
from employee
where company = 'sbi';

select *
from employee
where employee.salary > @salary;

如果您确实使用 table,则需要子选择:

select *
from employee
where employee.salary > (select salary from @tempemp.salary);


select *
from employee
where employee.salary > (select max(salary) from employee where company = 'sbi');